TWINBIRD双鸟品牌怎么样 申请店铺

61年来,双鸟从电镀业开始创业转型为家电产品,一直以高品质、高质量为宗旨,期间经历了5个阶段的转型:在最初1951年-1961年之中成为了日本新泻县优秀的电镀工厂。1963年开始,是双鸟自主设计自主生产的开元年,首先从金属托盘开始,有效利用已掌握的电镀技术挑战商品的开发,实现了自行生产出口“糖果托盘”、“家庭金属器皿”等产品。 1971开始海外营业拓展,对公司的销售起到了举足轻重的作用。在这不断努力和创新的20年之中,公司积累了大量的资金、经验和技术精英,从1982年开始,双鸟公司在日本市场上创出了“双鸟礼品” 的品牌,销售额直线攀升,从1981年的50亿日元到1987年的100亿日元,生产也增加了第2工厂和第3工厂。1984年正式以“双鸟株式会社”命名,开发了照明设备,烹饪家电以及户外和业余娱乐用品 。
1996年在东京证券交易所上市,股票代码为【6897】。现在,双鸟正在继续开拓直接面向家电零售市场转换为国内销售,在日本以东京、大阪、九州、名 古屋等城市为中心,也正式向中国国内销售。 双鸟自80年代进入了家电产品领域开始,目前已成为日本礼品业较大制造商。目前全球的许多国家和地区如:中国,台湾,香港,新加坡,马来西亚,日本,韩国,美国,加拿大,法国等,都正在销售双鸟公司的产品。 双鸟公司与许多跨国企业也有合作,为他们提供优质的OEM生产,如:为迪士尼乐园生产的小家电产品,欧莱雅的美容产品,无印良品的小家电产品等。
In the past 61 years, shuangniao has been transforming from electroplating industry to household electrical appliances products, with the tenet of high quality and high quality. During this period, it has experienced five stages of transformation: from 1951 to 1961, it became an excellent electroplating factory in Niigata County, Japan. Since 1963, it is the first year for shuangniao to independently design and produce. Firstly, we started from the metal tray, effectively used the electroplating technology we have mastered to challenge the development of commodities, and realized the production and export of "candy tray", "household metal ware" and other products. Since 1971, overseas business expansion has played an important role in the company's sales. In the 20 years of continuous efforts and innovation, the company has accumulated a large number of capital, experience and technical elites. Since 1982, shuangniao company has created the brand of "shuangniao gift" in the Japanese market, and its sales volume has soared, from 5 billion yen in 1981 to 10 billion yen in 1987. The production has also increased the second and third factories. In 1984, it was officially named after "shuangniao Co., Ltd." and developed lighting equipment, cooking appliances and outdoor and amateur entertainment products. It was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1996 with the stock code of [6897]. Now, shuangniao is continuing to develop the direct retail market for household appliances and converting it into domestic sales. In Japan, it is centered in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyushu, Nagoya and other cities, and also officially sold to China. Shuangniao has entered the field of household electrical appliances since the 1980s, and now it has become a large manufacturer of Japanese gift industry. At present, many countries and regions in the world, such as China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Canada, France, etc., are selling birdsong products. Shuangniao has also cooperated with many multinational enterprises to provide them with high-quality OEM production, such as: small home appliances products for Disneyland, beauty products of L'Oreal, small home appliances products of MUJI products, etc.
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