MorphyRichards摩飞品牌怎么样 申请店铺

MorphyRichards摩飞是哪个国家的品牌?「MorphyRichards摩飞」是Morphy Richards有限公司旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于英国,在1936年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


1936年, Donal Morphy和Charles Richards在英国创立了Morphy Richards有限公司。在二战军工的熏染下,Morphy Richards以其雄厚的科技含量,迅速的成为了英国的小家电品牌之一。专业的英国工程师队伍保障了所有产品都以极高的品质和独特设计满足消费者的需求,使得人们每天的家庭任务变得简单。目前,全球有超过一亿的精英家庭正在享受摩飞给其生活带来的快乐与幸福。这些,都是生活在都市快节奏下的人们所渴求的。打造随性生活,享受健康品质。在消费日益同质化的都市生活中,摩飞希望用更多创意的产品,让生活变得更加的健康、随心。

在1935年,熨斗,多士炉和暖炉等产品开始进入人们的家庭。然而,这些产品在当时还属于高消费品,因此,设计良好,又适合大众消费的家电产品市场前景广阔。看到这一机会后,Donal Morphy与Charles Richards合作,于1936年7月8号注册了新公司,生产并销售电气,收音机和电视等产品。



1960年,Donal Morphy 将他的股份出售给了EMI公司,促成了所有制变更。1963年,Charles Richards加入了GEC,并负责其家用电器业务。新的常务董事Willis Roxburgh决定大力发展大家电,并于1961年在敦提开设第二家工厂。

到1972年,BDA(英国家用电器公司—由Hotpoint,English Electric,GEC和Morphy Richards合并而成)已经成为了英国较大的电气产品的制造商,员工人数10700人,年营业额达5000,0000英镑。在整个英国,有45000000产品已进入人们的家庭中,每家约有2件。

2年以后,在与Schreiber Furniture organisation合并后,BDA集团变得更加强大。然而,各公司都是独立运营,1975年,公司改名为Hotpoint。


在2000年的11月和2007年6月,英国大部分地区遭受了暴雨袭击。Morphy Richards工厂在两次洪水中被淹。 在工厂的修复和重建上,公司员工做出了很大的努力。2008年,设在仓库的临时办公室成为了公司新的总部。这之后很快,公司在新总部的背后又购买了办公楼,这栋建筑被命名为DEPTH,并用于工艺设计和测试中心。从电熨斗到热水壶,DEPTH须保障公司产品的设计符合如今人们忙碌的生活节奏。

今天,Morphy Richards 积极面对市场变化的挑战,不断创新以满足消费者需求,并适时调整以适应新的零售分配方式。如今,英国越来越多的家庭拥有的Morphy Richards的产品要比其它小家电品牌多。

Founded in 1936 in the UK, it is an enterprise dedicated to the R & D / design / production / sales of Western-style health appliances such as coffee makers / kettles. In 1936, Donal Morphy and Charles Richards founded Morphy Richards Co., Ltd. in the UK. Under the influence of World War II military industry, Morphy Richards quickly became one of the small household appliance brands in the UK with its abundant technology content. A professional team of British engineers ensures that all products meet the needs of consumers with high quality and unique design, making daily family tasks easier. At present, more than 100 million elite families around the world are enjoying the joy and happiness that moffy brings to their lives. These are all what people living in the fast pace of the city yearn for. To create a casual life and enjoy healthy quality. In the increasingly homogeneous urban life of consumption, Mofei hopes to use more creative products to make life more healthy and free. In 1935, irons, toasters and heaters began to enter people's homes. However, these products were still high consumer goods at that time. Therefore, the home appliances with good design and suitable for mass consumption had a broad market prospect. Seeing this opportunity, Donal Morphy, in cooperation with Charles Richards, registered a new company on July 8, 1936 to produce and sell products such as electricity, radio and television. During the Second World War, the company began to sign contracts with the government to produce aircraft parts. After that, the company implemented the expansion plan, began to enter other regions and added new product categories. In 1947, the company went public and soon merged with astral, which is headquartered in Dundee and mainly produces rotary dehydrators and refrigerators. In the 1950s, the production of products far exceeded the expectations of the two founders. Take the electric iron as an example. In 1954, the controllable temperature steam dual-purpose iron appeared. It is equipped with a water storage tank and can support 25 minutes of steam ironing. In 1960, Donal Morphy sold his shares to EMI, which resulted in a change of ownership. In 1963, Charles Richards joined GEC and was in charge of its home appliances business. Willis Roxburgh, the new managing director, decided to develop the company and set up a second plant in Dundee in 1961. By 1972, BDA had become the largest manufacturer of electrical products in the UK, with 10700 employees and an annual turnover of £ 500000. Across the UK, 45 million products have entered people's homes, each with about two. Two years later, after the merger with Schreiber furniture organization, BDA group became stronger. However, each company operates independently. In 1975, the company changed its name to Hotpoint. Throughout the 1990s, innovative products continued to emerge. The product range has covered electric iron, kettle, sandwich oven, coffee machine, fryer, pant ironer, heating plate, stove, etc. In November 2000 and June 2007, heavy rain hit most parts of the UK. The Morphy Richards plant was flooded in two floods. The company's employees have made great efforts to repair and rebuild the factory. In 2008, the temporary office in the warehouse became the company's new headquarters. Soon after that, the company bought another office building behind the new headquarters, which was named depth and used for process design and test center. From electric irons to hot kettles, depth must ensure that the company's product design conforms to the busy pace of life of today's people. Today, Morphy Richards is actively facing the challenges of market changes, constantly innovating to meet the needs of consumers, and timely adjusting to adapt to the new retail distribution mode. Nowadays, more and more families in the UK have more products of Morphy Richards than other small household appliance brands.

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10月26日,职业社交网站LinkedIn显示,特斯拉Megapack高级总监迈克尔·斯奈德(Michael Snyder)已获晋升为能源与充电副总裁。斯奈德于2014年6月加入特斯拉,于2022年8月担任Megapack高级主管,领导公司的Megapack项目。(界面)



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