LanMeng蓝梦品牌怎么样 申请店铺

LanMeng蓝梦是哪个国家的品牌?「LanMeng蓝梦」是 天台县洪氏安全玻璃有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于中国浙江省台州市,由创始人洪智委在1995-01-27期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。








Blue Dream "is a brand of sanitary ware that Hongshi company strives to build. Its products are manufactured in strict accordance with international standards. 49 products independently developed by blue dream have obtained national intellectual property patents. At present, the toughened glass No. e00171 used in blue dream shower room has completely reached the standard of toughened glass of electronic electromagnetic level, and its performance stability and safety are far superior to ordinary automobile level glass. Blue dream shower room hardware are all made of copper, stainless steel, electrophoretic polishing aviation grade aluminum and other materials, to ensure that 100% will not rust!! Lanmeng shower room is the earliest industry standard drafting unit in China, which has participated in the construction of the most high-end buildings in various industries, the Zhongnanhai complex building with the highest political level, the Olympic media village with the highest sports arena, the Xinhua news agency communication building with the highest media, the National Grand Theatre in the art circle, and the air quadrangle of Pangu building with the highest level in the capital. It is loved by elites from all walks of life and repeatedly purchased. Blue dream precision shower room, let you "Mu" don't worry!! blue dream company in 2003 has passed ISO9001; 2008 quality standard system certification, CCC certification, some products have passed the European GS, CE certification, etc., in 2004 by China International Consumer Protection Association as "consumer first choice of well-known rest assured brand", in 2005 "blue dream trademark" was evaluated as "Zhejiang famous trademark". Lanmeng shower room is one of the top ten brands of shower room in China for 13 years selected by China Construction Circulation Association and China home building materials industry research institute. It was rated as the top ten brands trusted by consumers in the national sanitary industry in Sina household for 12 years. It was recommended by consumers from 2005 to 13 years. It was rated as the top ten new brand of sanitary industry by from 12 to 13 years! In 2006, in order to establish blue dream brand and bring the brand benefits into play, the company successfully applied for the registration of LM trademark of blue dream in thirty-six countries, including Madrid International member countries, and obtained the protection of national laws of each country. "Blue Dream" products with its excellent quality, quality service by domestic and foreign customers. Under the guidance of independent R & D and innovation, blue dream launched the blue dream integrated bathroom (blue dream bathroom) in 2010, which announced the beginning of a new era for blue dream people. The concept of blue dream integrated bathroom has fully realized the actual quantitative production, and blue dream continues to maintain a leading position in the bathroom industry. At present, "Blue Dream" products in various parts of the country has a number of Direct stores, cooperative stores, products sold to all parts of the country and exported to Russia, the Middle East, Australia and other regions. In order to continuously enhance the comprehensive strength of the enterprise, the company will continue to revise and improve the standardized management measures for the personnel of all departments, with the goal of "establishing an efficient management team and cultivating a high-quality staff team", create a good corporate culture atmosphere as its duty, and provide customers with high-quality products and first-class services. 2014 is destined to be an extraordinary year. The blue dream brand has gone through 20 years of ups and downs from its establishment in 1994 to 2014. All the blue dream people are lighting up our never give up fighting spirit with the surging passion in their hearts to jointly meet the more brilliant blue dream of 20 years, blue dream of 100 years. In the future, China's blue dream and the world's blue dream will make greater contributions to the country and society, and contribute to the realization of China's great rejuvenation dream!

本文链接: 联系电话:057683665782


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消息称顺丰计划下月底在香港进行第二上市,拟募资约 10 亿美元

10 月 27 日消息,据彭博报道,知情人士透露,顺丰计划下月底在香港进行第二上市,计划 11 月 27 日挂牌,可能募集约 10 亿美元(约 71.28 亿元人民币)资金。若上市成功,顺丰将成为继美的集团之后,香港今年第二大新股。此次上市将有助于顺丰在国际资本市场的地位提升,并为其未来的发展提供资金支持。截至 10 月 25 日收盘,顺丰控股 A 股价格为 43.40 元 / 股,市值达到 2090.11 亿元。(it之家)


英特尔前 CEO:拆分制造业务对英特尔和美国不利

英特尔近期因晶圆代工业务巨额亏损而陷入财务困境。多份报道称,英特尔正考虑将制造业务拆分为独立实体,类似于 AMD 曾将 GlobalFoundries 分拆的做法。然而,英特尔前 CEO 克雷格・巴雷特在《财富》杂志撰文指出,此举将损害英特尔并削弱美国在半导体领导地位方面的目标。他将此与 2008 年 AMD 和 GlobalFoundries 的拆分进行了比较,并表示,如果英特尔(或美国政府)将其制造部门拆分为独立公司,GlobalFoundries的情况可能会发生在英特尔身上。(it之家)


2024年医保目录现场谈判竞价正式开始 结果拟于11月公布

27日上午8点半,2024年医保目录现场谈判竞价在北京正式开始。根据此前公布的信息,今天到30日4天的时间里,将有162个药品参加现场谈判和竞价。今年和此前一样也是由全国各地遴选的25名医保部门的谈判专家,分成5个小组,进行医保支付价格的磋商,这正式拉开了医保现场谈判和竞价的序幕。 据介绍,动态调整方面,今年是国家医保局成立以来连续第7年对医保药品目录进行调整,保持了“一年一调”的状态,及时将符合条件的新药好药新增纳入医保目录。谈判的最后的结果拟于11月份公布,明年1月1日落地,届时将惠及更多的患者。(证券时报)




