中冶集团品牌怎么样 申请店铺

中冶集团是哪个国家的品牌?「中冶集团」是 中国冶金科工集团有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于北京,由创始人张兆祥在1982-12-18期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。







China Metallurgical Science and Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (MCC for short) is a super large enterprise group supervised by the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. MCC is the world's largest metallurgical engineering contractor, metallurgical engineering technology upgrading and transformation service provider, with a complete production chain of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgical engineering. MCC group has undertaken the planning, survey, design and construction projects of major production facilities of almost all large and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises in China, such as Baosteel, Angang, WISCO and Pangang. It is a pioneer and builder of China's metallurgical industry. In 2013, MCC ranked 9th among the "225 largest contractors in the world" selected by ENR. In 2014, it ranked 354 among the Fortune 500 enterprises in the United States. MCC group is one of the main forces in national capital construction and overseas project contracting. It is a key resource enterprise determined by the state, with iron, copper, gold, nickel, cobalt, lead, zinc and other production enterprises and mine resources. It is one of the largest technology and equipment manufacturing enterprises in China. It is a state-owned asset As one of the 16 central enterprises with real estate as its main business and one of the world's largest international engineering contractors, MCC has a business footprint in more than 90 countries and regions and enjoys a global reputation. MCC group, formerly known as China Metallurgical Construction Company approved by the State Council in 1982, is subordinate to the Ministry of metallurgical industry. In July 1994, MCC group was established with China Metallurgical Construction Company as the core. In 1998, in accordance with the requirements of the State Council's institutional reform and the establishment of a large group, all survey and design institutes, construction enterprises and some scientific research institutes affiliated to the Ministry of metallurgy were under the management of MCC group. In May 2006, China Metallurgical Construction Group Co., Ltd. was renamed as China Metallurgical Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd. after entering the pilot of standardized operation of the board of directors, it was renamed as China Metallurgical Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd. In December 2008, MCC group initiated the establishment of China Metallurgical Science and Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as MCC). In September 2009, MCC successfully listed in Shanghai and Hong Kong. MCC group is a national innovative enterprise, with more than 53000 engineering and technical personnel. It has built 9 National Science and technology innovation platforms. By the end of 2013, it had 11547 valid patents. MCC group has won 47 National Science and technology awards, 69 China Construction Engineering Luban awards, 7 China Zhan Tianyou Civil Engineering Awards and 95 National Quality Engineering Awards. In the face of the adjustment of the industrial policies of the national iron and steel industry in recent years, MCC group proposed: "focusing on the development of the main industry, standing at the high end of the international level and the height of the development of the whole metallurgical industry, with the leading core technology, continuous innovation ability and irreplaceable advantages of the integration of the whole metallurgical industry chain, to continue to consolidate the operation of the world's largest metallurgical engineering contractor and metallurgical enterprise The leading position of service providers, shouldering the national responsibility of leading China's metallurgical industry to a higher level, strives to develop into a comprehensive industry of scientific research, consulting and planning, survey and mapping, design supervision, construction and real estate based on excellent metallurgical research, survey, design and construction capabilities, with engineering contracting, equipment manufacturing, resource development and real estate development as the core businesses A comprehensive business system integrating development, equipment manufacturing and complete sets, resource development, technical services and import and export trade, with complementary business segments and significant synergy. Facing the future, MCC group will unswervingly and deeply implement the scientific outlook on development, take "focusing on the main business, doing better and stronger, moderately diversified and steady development" as the general idea, vigorously improve the quality and efficiency, fully promote reform and innovation, unremittingly advocate and perform the responsibility of maintaining and increasing the value of state-owned assets and corporate social responsibility, and make strong progress of "no delay in one day, no slack in one day" Spirit, strive to embark on a new journey of "focusing on the main business of MCC and building a better MCC".

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/9f0a76c02.html 联系电话:01059869999


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