恒盛品牌怎么样 申请店铺

恒盛是哪个国家的品牌?「恒盛」是 江苏晋煤恒盛化工股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于江苏省徐州市,由创始人薛东升在2001-04-12期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

江苏晋煤恒盛化工有限公司是以生产化学肥料为主的大型化工企业,其前身是县办小化肥厂之一的新沂化肥厂,始建于1958年。企业位于苏鲁接壤地带的新沂市,地处我国东部沿海经济发达地区、黄淮海冲积平原,物产富饶、市场广阔,交通区位优势独特,横贯东西的陇海铁路与纵穿南北的新长铁路及京沪高速与连霍高速在该市形成双 十 字交汇,京杭大运河傍境而过,交通物流便捷顺畅。



2003年起,恒盛化工紧紧围绕 百亿规模、百年恒盛 的战略目标,充分放大政策环境好、原料煤充足、水资源充裕、产业基础坚实的优势,先后投入近30亿元资金,建设了30万吨尿素扩改工程、热电联产工程、18万吨合成氨、30万吨尿素联产20万吨甲醇工程等工程项目,企业规模迅速壮大,经济总量持续攀升。截止2011年底,企业形成了年产70万吨合成氨、100万吨尿素、50万吨甲醇的生产能力和年均50亿元销售收入、4亿元利税的经营规模。

Jiangsu Jinmei Hengsheng Chemical Co., Ltd. is a large chemical enterprise mainly engaged in the production of chemical fertilizer. Its predecessor is Xinyi chemical fertilizer plant, one of the small chemical fertilizer plants run by the county. It was founded in 1958. The company is located in Xinyi City, which borders on Jiangsu and Shandong. It is located in the economically developed coastal area in the east of China and the alluvial plain of the Huanghuai sea. It has rich products, broad market and unique traffic location advantages. The Longhai railway running through the East and West, the Xinchang Railway running through the north and south, and the Beijing Shanghai high speed and Lianhuo high speed form a double cross intersection in the city. The Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal passes by and the traffic and logistics are convenient and smooth. At the end of 2001, Hengsheng chemical passed the ISO9001 international quality management system certification, and at the end of 2007, the enterprise passed the quality management system, environmental management system and occupational health and safety management system certification. Products are exported to Jiangsu, Shandong, Henan, Anhui and other provinces. In May 2004, Hengsheng chemical and anthracite production base Shanxi Jinmei group successfully carried out strategic cooperation. The development potential of the enterprise continued to increase, and the competitive advantage gradually became prominent. By the end of 2011, Hengsheng chemical had more than 3200 employees, over 1200 mu of land and 4 billion yuan of assets. Since 2003, focusing on the strategic goal of 10 billion scale and 100 years of Hengsheng, Hengsheng chemical has fully expanded its advantages of good policy environment, sufficient raw coal, abundant water resources and solid industrial foundation, invested nearly 3 billion yuan successively, and built 300000 tons of urea expansion and transformation project, cogeneration project, 180000 tons of synthetic ammonia, 300000 tons of urea cogeneration project and 200000 tons of methanol project, The scale of enterprises has grown rapidly and the total economic volume has continued to rise. By the end of 2011, the company has formed an annual production capacity of 700000 tons of synthetic ammonia, 1 million tons of urea and 500000 tons of methanol, an annual sales revenue of 5 billion yuan and an operation scale of 400 million yuan of profits and taxes.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/a20f3d5e9.html 联系电话:051681627509


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10月26日,职业社交网站LinkedIn显示,特斯拉Megapack高级总监迈克尔·斯奈德(Michael Snyder)已获晋升为能源与充电副总裁。斯奈德于2014年6月加入特斯拉,于2022年8月担任Megapack高级主管,领导公司的Megapack项目。(界面)



36氪获悉,10月26日,CINNO Research最新报告指出,随着苹果iPhone16系列等高端旗舰机型的发布,第三季度OLED面板的整体需求持续回升。根据CINNO Research统计数据显示,2024年第三季度全球AMOLED智能手机面板出货量约2.2亿片,同比增长25.3%,环比增长0.9%,同比、环比双增长。从柔性面板出货来看,2024年第三季度全球AMOLED智能手机面板中柔性AMOLED智能手机面板占比76.4%,同比下滑2.3个百分点,环比上升4.2个百分点。










