Pancoat盼酷品牌怎么样 申请店铺

Pancoat盼酷是哪个国家的品牌?「Pancoat盼酷」是 红纺文化有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于韩国,由创始人郑 *在2010年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

2009年创立于韩国的潮牌Pancoat,以其经典大眼睛(POP EYES)卡通形象为设计主题,灵活运用鲜明色彩以及高饱和度纯色系,结合品牌独具特色的卡通形象,创造出独特的现代潮流趋势。Pancoat秉承“Fun & Enjoyable Wear趣享穿搭“的品牌理念,趣味玩转当下Cute漫画卡通潮流,更掀起Cool炫街头风潮,一经问世便受到明星和时尚潮人的热捧,明星穿着Pancoat的醒目画面与照片亦时时见诸各档韩剧、综艺以及各大媒体。2013年,Pancoat带着来自韩国的新鲜潮流设计理念来到中国并迅速受到国内时尚潮人的强烈追捧。目前,Pancoat在中国城市繁华商圈拥有近200家店铺,市场拓展的步伐仍在继续前行,以期成为受欢迎的潮牌之一。

红纺文化集团(China Brands Group)旗下的上海盼酷贸易有限公司于2013年4月在上海成立,并于2013年6月将韩国潮流品牌Pancoat引入中国。上海盼酷贸易有限公司主要从事Pancoat品牌在中国市场的业务开拓,专业从事Pancoat在中国的品牌推广、产品规划、设计生产、销售拓展等工作,并将韩国新的潮流趋势带入中国,且已在中国市场打开一定的知名度。

Founded in South Korea in 2009, the fashion brand pancoat, with its classic PoPeyes cartoon image as the design theme, flexibly uses bright colors and high saturation solid color system, and combines the unique cartoon image of the brand to create a unique modern trend. Pancoat adheres to the brand concept of "fun & enjoyablewear" and plays with the current trend of cute cartoon. It also sets off cool Street trend. Once it comes out, it is popular with stars and fashion trendsetters. The striking pictures and photos of stars wearing pancoat are also seen in various Korean dramas, variety shows and major media. In 2013, pancoat came to China with a new fashion design concept from South Korea and was rapidly sought after by domestic fashion trendsetters. At present, pancoat has nearly 200 stores in the bustling business district of Chinese cities, and the pace of market development is still moving forward, hoping to become one of the popular fashion brands. Shanghai Panku Trading Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China brands group, was founded in Shanghai in April 2013 and introduced the Korean trend brand pancoat into China in June 2013. Shanghai Panku Trading Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the business development of pancoat brand in the Chinese market, specialized in the brand promotion, product planning, design and production, sales development and other work of pancoat in China, and brings the new trend of South Korea into China, and has opened up a certain popularity in the Chinese market.

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