WESTON乔治威斯顿品牌怎么样 申请店铺

19世纪末,乔治威斯顿在多伦多建立了威斯顿公司。在这以前,威斯顿在 Charles J. Frogley and G.H. Bowen两个面包店里做了12年的学徒,他每天早上收拾马具,白天运送面包,夜晚回到面包店帮助店主清算账目,在他到多伦多销售面包期间,他以优质的服务和聪明的才智获得了大批的客户,从而也显示出了他的在经商方面天赋,为他后来的成功打下良好的基础。
1882年,年仅17岁的威斯顿决定从他的老板G.H. Bowen买下面包生产线,根据他的经验,他认为一个面包批发店将面包直接销给用户会带来更大的利润,由于当时的面包制造行业很不景气,Bowen很快就同意了他的要求,而后他断断续续的购买了Bowen的所有设备,威斯顿开始生产自己的面包,开拓自己的市场,就这样乔治威斯顿商店成功的经营起来。
At the end of 19th century, George Weston established Weston company in Toronto. Before that, Weston worked as an apprentice for 12 years in two bakeries, Charles J. frogleyand g. h. Bowen. He packed his harness every morning, delivered bread during the day, and returned to the bakery at night to help the shopkeeper settle accounts. During his time in Toronto selling bread, Weston gained a large number of customers with high-quality service and smart intelligence, which also showed his talent in business And lay a good foundation for his later success. In 1882, at the age of 17, Weston decided to buy the bread production line from his boss, G.H. Bowen. According to his experience, he thought that a bread wholesale shop would bring more profits to users by selling bread directly. Because the bread manufacturing industry at that time was very sluggish, Bowen quickly agreed to his request, and then he bought all Bowen's equipment off and on. Weston began Produce your own bread, open up your own market, so the George Weston store is successfully operated. The company's main business has two different parts: frozen and fresh bread, biscuit production and fish processing. The company is also Canada's largest food seller in 1998.