平岗大米品牌怎么样 申请店铺
吉林众鑫绿色米业集团有限公司始建于2003年,注册资金2000万元。公司座落于延边较大的平原-平岗平原,是以开发绿色有机生态大米及粮食深加工为主,集种植水稻、田间管理、收购仓储、加工销售为一体的农业产业企业。2011年,公司在水稻主产区和龙市头道镇龙水坪投资建设新建厂区35000平方米,新建厂房4500平方米,引进日本佐竹日产150 吨稻米加工设备。公司2015年实现有机水稻订单面积1200公顷,2016年计划有机水稻订单面积2000公顷,签约农户1200多户。公司现有员工35人,其中技术人员7名,年可生产大米5万吨。
公司的主导产品“平岗”牌大米种植基地区域内气候温和、光照充足、土质肥沃。平岗平原历来是优质大米的盛产地。“平岗” 牌系列大米以优质品种为主栽品种,严格按照绿色、有机稻米的生产技术操作规程种植。实行订单农业,实现了种植环节的规范化,使水稻品质达到了绿色、有机标准。本产品米色晶莹剔透、质粒完整、营养丰富、米饭香软、口感较佳,是家庭主食中的上乘佳品。
Jilin Zhongxin green rice Group Co., Ltd. was founded in 2003 with a registered capital of 20 million yuan. The company is located in Pinggang plain, a large plain in Yanbian. It is an agricultural industrial enterprise focusing on the development of green organic ecological rice and deep processing of grain, integrating rice planting, field management, purchase and storage, processing and sales. In 2011, the company invested in the construction of 35000 square meters of new plant area and 4500 square meters of new factory building in longshuiping, toudao Town, the main rice production area, and introduced 150 tons of rice processing equipment from sago, Japan. In 2015, the company achieved an order area of 1200 hectares for organic rice, and in 2016, it plans to have an order area of 2000 hectares for organic rice, with more than 1200 contracted farmers. The company has 35 employees, including 7 technicians, which can produce 50000 tons of rice annually. Since 2003, the company has implemented the construction of green rice base, adopting the green rice production and processing mode of combining the company with the base, the base with farmers, and the integration of production, supply and marketing. It has established a stable green rice production base and cultivated a large number of order farmers. The company's leading product "Pinggang" brand rice planting base has a mild climate, sufficient light and fertile soil. Pinggang plain has always been rich in high quality rice. "Pinggang" brand series rice is mainly planted with high-quality varieties, which are planted in strict accordance with the production technology and operation procedures of green and organic rice. The implementation of order agriculture has realized the standardization of planting links and made the rice quality reach the green and organic standards. This product is crystal clear rice color, complete plasmid, rich nutrition, soft rice flavor, good taste, is the best family staple food. The company's business philosophy, relying on the advantages of Yanbian's ecological environment, the use of ecological planting methods, modern processing equipment and garden plant management mode, pay attention to the quality and taste of rice, to create the best rice.