董记煎饼品牌怎么样 申请店铺

我们的煎饼属于水磨煎饼,煎饼的口味以山东煎饼口味为主,后又经走访天津,费县等各地煎饼,加以改进,再加上自己特制的秘方佐料,制作出现在的20种品种,香,脆,酥,劲道等口味的煎饼,形成自己特有的风味,适合老,中,小各类人群食用. 公司已经研制出了新品种蔬菜煎饼(菠菜,红薯,韭菜,西红柿等)
公司根据各区的地理面积及人口密度,人文环境等因素制约每一个区域加盟店的数量,另外,为了保证加盟店的利益,公司规定不得在最近的路线为800米的地方开设第二家加盟店. 公司采取加盟连锁的经营模式,加盟商必须遵从公司的经营策略:统一管理,统一牌匾,统一工具,统一包装,统一的工作服装及统一的店面设计.
董记煎饼的选料,佐料都经过特殊的加工制作而成.煎饼的二十个品种都有各自独特的秘方作料,几种酱料都经过特殊的炒制再加以秘方作料加工而成的. 。
Our pancakes belong to Shuimo pancakes. The pancakes are mainly Shandong pancakes. Later, we visited Tianjin, Feixian and other places to improve the pancakes. In addition, we made 20 kinds of pancakes with our own special recipes and seasonings, which are fragrant, crispy, crispy and strong, forming our own unique flavor, suitable for the old, the middle and the middle, The company has developed a new variety of vegetable pancakes (spinach, sweet potato, leek, tomato, etc.) the company restricts the number of franchise stores in each region according to the geographical area, population density, cultural environment and other factors. In addition, in order to ensure the interests of franchise stores, The company stipulates that it is not allowed to open a second franchise store in the place 800 meters away from the nearest route. The company adopts the franchise chain business model, and the franchisees must follow the company's business strategy: unified management, unified plaque, unified tools, unified packaging, unified work clothes and unified store design. There are more than ten kinds of pancakes for Dongji pancakes, (pancake box, In order to improve the value of pancake shop, we have developed (soybean milk, fruit flavored soybean milk, special bean curd brain series, noodle and egg filling cake, special cold skin, rice skin, powder skin, hot and sour powder, boiled old soup and vegetable string, Congee) these varieties can be used as auxiliary items for pancake shops. Dongji pancake selection and seasoning are all made by special processing. Twenty varieties of pancakes have their own unique secret recipe ingredients, and several sauces are made by special frying and then secret recipe ingredients.
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