NaturalBalance天衡宝品牌怎么样 申请店铺


雪山公司从1989年开始研制Natural Balance宠物食品,希望制造出世界上品质优良和健康的宠物食品。公司的宠物食品具有真实的科学依据,而不是单靠广告宣传。Natural Balance宠物食品除了适合猫狗这样的小宠物,也适合大型食肉动物,比如动物园里的狮子、老虎、北极熊和狼及世界各地的野生保护动物!

Natural Balance宠物食品可提供您和您的宠物众多选择,以满足您的需要。公司知道,一种单一的狗粮不适合所有不同的狗,因此公司一直在努力为您提供尽可能多的选择。公司提供的Natural Balance品种有原始特级、特级全犬配方、抗敏配方(L.I.D.)、不含谷物配方以及素食和天然平衡有机配方。

在销售前公司对每一批次的宠物食品进行过9种已知污染物测试,以便您能 放心购买 。

所有雪山宠物食品都是兽医和宠物营养专家经过多年的潜心研制而成。雪山系列狗罐头是当今美国较好的罐头之一,完整和均衡的营养适用于任何年龄段的狗狗食用。 Natural Balance雪山狗罐头作为一种均衡的辅助食品,包含了经USDA认证的高品质的肉类,胡萝卜、马铃薯等蔬菜,以及糙米等谷物。

Natural Balance雪山狗罐头不仅是狗狗们的美味膳食,添加到雪山干粮中,更可刺激狗狗的食欲。对于发育中的幼犬,雪山狗罐头配上雪山干粮,可以帮助幼犬更好的度过断奶期;怀孕8到9周的母犬,逐渐增加进食是必需的,雪山狗罐头可以很好地满足其热量增加的需要。雪山狗罐头当然也是挑食者和上年纪狗狗的较佳选择之一。

美国雪山特级全犬粮产品介绍:雪山特级配方无玉米、大豆、小麦、鸡蛋、大米、乳制品或葵花籽油,这些成份怀疑是引起敏感反应的成因,如脱毛、搔痒、 咬尾、不停咬脚、耳朵感染,所以不会使用。 无人造防腐剂、人造调味、人造色素。所用的鲜鸡、鲜鸭、纽西兰羊肉(没有副产品)是美国农业部认可的优质农作物。这个配合供给优蛋白质,提供必需的氨基酸去帮助强健的肌肉,维持正常状态和健康、亮泽的皮毛。新鲜红萝卜含有非常丰富的维他命A及B--胡萝卜素。燕麦片含有的同时含有碳水化合物、纤维、维生素B-1及维他命E。它不会引起敏感反应,因为其他壳物有葡白粘胶质而它没有。因成本关系不会广泛使用于狗食品。

美国雪山狗粮薯仔鸭配方全犬粮产品介绍:Natural Balance雪山薯仔鸭狗粮是一个已被证明对有过敏症的狗只有效的配方,根据公司独特的单一来源蛋白质和单一来源碳水化合物混合而成。一些狗也许是对常用的蛋白质、碳水化合物和食品添加剂有高度敏感性。过敏反应可能会导致急性的肠炎、肠胃不适,和一定数量的皮肤问题。 薯仔鸭狗粮 配方专为这些食物过敏的狗只而设。Natural Balance 在美国兽医界,作为一种医疗食品,已经有7年以上的售卖实绩。(现在,只有兽医的地方才可以售卖)作为一种敏感症的专用食品。今天,此商品的其中一部份更加以改良。同时,在美国和在日本的宠物店亦一同发售。其他狗食品来说,薯仔和鸭肉的成本太高,所以他们 的狗食品内并无加鸭肉成份的。

美国雪山狗粮甘薯三文鱼配方全犬粮产品介绍:雪山甘薯三文鱼配方经过实验方式证实,针对有过敏性犬只为基础,而设计的一种独特配方,用着雪山多年对狗粮专心的研究,设计出这种用单一来源蛋白质和单一的来源碳水化合物混和方式,来做出雪山甘薯三文鱼配方。很多犬只在他们的日常饮食中,都会对蛋白质,碳水化合物和食物添加剂产生严重的过敏症。这些过敏反应会导致肠道过敏 、消化不良和一些皮肤问题。雪山就特别为对这些食品会引起过敏症的犬只,创造了甘薯三文鱼配方,雪山的甘薯和三文鱼配方结合新鲜的三文鱼, 动物蛋白质的单一来源,,和新鲜甘薯对有过敏症的犬只带来新的口味,而碳水化合物的单一来源更是从没有在其它狗食品中能找到过的,,这些用料配方就是能帮助重新组建犬只免疫系统的有效自然配方和针对流眼泪的狗食用后有一定疗效也是雪山公司所推出市场就引起关注的一种新产品。

Since 1989, Xueshan company began to develop natural balance pet food, hoping to produce high-quality and healthy pet food in the world. The company's pet food has a real scientific basis, rather than relying solely on advertising. Natural balance pet food is not only suitable for small pets like dogs and cats, but also for large predators, such as lions, tigers, polar bears and wolves in zoos and wildlife around the world! Natural balance pet food can provide you and your pet with many choices to meet your needs. The company knows that a single dog food is not suitable for all different dogs, so the company has been trying to provide you with as many options as possible. The natural balance products provided by the company include original super grade, super grade all dog formula, anti allergy formula (l.i.d.), no grain formula, vegetarian and natural balanced organic formula. Before sales, the company has tested each batch of pet food with 9 known pollutants, so that you can buy at ease. All Xueshan pet foods are developed by veterinarians and pet nutrition experts after years of concentrated efforts. Snow mountain dog can is one of the best cans in the United States today. Complete and balanced nutrition is suitable for dogs of any age. As a balanced auxiliary food, the canned natural balance Snow Mountain Dog contains USDA certified high-quality meat, carrots, potatoes and other vegetables, as well as grains such as brown rice. Natural balance snow mountain dog can is not only a delicious meal for dogs, but also can be added to snow mountain dry food to stimulate the appetite of dogs. For developing puppies, canned snow mountain dogs with dry snow mountain food can help puppies better through the weaning period; for pregnant female dogs from 8 to 9 weeks, it is necessary to gradually increase food consumption, and canned snow mountain dogs can well meet the needs of their heat increase. Canned snow mountain dogs are also one of the best choices for picky eaters and older dogs. Product introduction: there is no corn, soybean, wheat, egg, rice, dairy products or sunflower seed oil in Xueshan super formula, which is suspected to be the cause of sensitive reactions, such as depilation, itching, tail biting, foot biting and ear infection, so it can not be used. No artificial preservative, artificial seasoning, artificial pigment. Fresh chicken, fresh duck and New Zealand mutton (no by-product) used are high-quality crops recognized by the U.S. Department of agriculture. This combination provides superior protein and essential amino acids to help build strong muscles and maintain a healthy, lustrous coat. Fresh carrots are rich in vitamin A and B-carotene. Oatmeal contains carbohydrates, fiber, Vitamin B-1 and vitamin E. It doesn't cause a sensitive reaction because other shells have glues and it doesn't. Because of the cost, it will not be widely used in dog food. Natural balance is a proven formula for dogs with allergies. It is based on the company's unique single source protein and single source carbohydrate. Some dogs may be highly sensitive to commonly used proteins, carbohydrates and food additives. Allergic reactions can lead to acute enteritis, gastrointestinal discomfort, and a certain number of skin problems. The formula of potato duck dog food is specially designed for dogs with food allergy. Natural balance, as a kind of medical food, has been selling for more than seven years in American veterinary industry. (now, only veterinarians can sell it) as a special food for sensitive diseases. Today, some parts of this product are improved. At the same time, pet stores in the United States and Japan are also on sale. For other dog food, the cost of potatoes and duck meat is too high, so there is no duck meat in their dog food. The product introduction of the whole dog food formula of sweet potato Salmon of American Snow Mountain Dog Food: the formula of sweet potato Salmon of snow mountain has been proved by experiments. Based on the allergic dogs, a unique formula has been designed. With the concentrated research on dog food of snow mountain for many years, this mixing method of single source protein and single source carbohydrate has been designed to make the sweet potato Salmon of snow mountain Formula. Many dogs have severe allergies to proteins, carbohydrates and food additives in their diet. These allergic reactions can lead to intestinal allergies, indigestion and some skin problems. Xueshan has created a sweet potato salmon formula especially for dogs with allergies caused by these foods. The sweet potato and salmon formula of Xueshan combine with fresh salmon, a single source of animal protein, and fresh sweet potato bring new tastes to dogs with allergies, while the single source of carbohydrate has never been found in other dog foods, These ingredients are effective natural formulas that can help rebuild the immune system of dogs and have certain curative effect on the tearful dogs. It is also a new product that Xueshan company has launched to attract attention in the market.



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