中冶置业品牌怎么样 申请店铺

中冶置业是哪个国家的品牌?「中冶置业」是 中冶置业集团有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于北京市,由创始人刘 * 明在2001年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。



2005年,作为国务院国资委一批16家房地产央企之一,中冶置业集团由此掀开了创新提升、做强做优的新篇章。公司打造以项目开发能力、资本整合能力、产业整合能力为基础的核心竞争力,坚持走精品化、专业化、品牌化的发展路径,布局三大经济圈热点城市,开创了统一品牌与区域化经营相结合的发展新纪元。 2012年以来,中冶置业集团加快转型发展脚步,着力提升发展质量,不断推进“3+6”区域布局战略和“3+1”区域深耕战略,以“京津冀、长三角、珠三角”为中心,深耕北京、天津、上海、南京、广州、深圳、杭州、珠海等城市,积极向中原经济区、长江中游城市群等热点地区拓展,获取石家庄、青岛等地优质项目,巩固西安、烟台、包头等已进入地区,形成区域协同发展的良好态势。

中冶置业集团巩固以住宅开发为主,商业地产、物业管理为辅的“一主两翼”业务体系,倾力打造以“德贤系”、“锦绣系”、“逸璟系”为代表的地产,以“中冶•盛世国际广场”命名的商业综合体品牌和以“和悦系”为代表的商业品牌。中冶置业还与清华大学、北京大学、SOM、KPF、华为等国内外机构建立战略合作关系, 成为国际“金钥匙”物业联盟成员,实现了企业品牌领域的华丽蜕变。公司联合全球行业优质资源,发挥产业整合优势,积极开拓文旅地产、康养地产、产业园、主题乐园、教育地产等新领域,实现从“一主两翼” 到“一主N翼”的延伸拓展。公司以科技创新为依托,以人文精神为内涵,实施绿色科技地产战略,研发更加节能环保、自然舒适的人性化产品,将高品质和人文精神的元素源源不断地注入到公司开发的每一类产品中,专注于为客户缔造美好舒适的生活工作环境。


With two first-class qualifications of real estate development and property management, its business focuses on residential development, supplemented by commercial real estate and property management, and focuses on creating a better and comfortable living and working environment for customers, MCC real estate group is a large state-owned real estate development enterprise solely owned by Minmetals and MCC group in New China, as well as the core enterprise of real estate business of MCC group, with real estate development Two first-class qualifications, i.e. development and property management. In 2005, as one of a group of 16 state-owned real estate enterprises under the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, MCC real estate group opened a new chapter of innovation, improvement, strength and excellence. The company has built the core competitiveness based on the project development ability, capital integration ability and industrial integration ability, adhered to the development path of boutique, specialization and branding, laid out three hot cities in the economic circle, and created a new era of development combining unified brand and regional operation. Since 2012, MCC real estate group has accelerated the pace of transformation and development, focused on improving the quality of development, continuously promoted the "3 + 6" regional layout strategy and the "3 + 1" regional deep cultivation strategy, with "Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta" as the center, deeply cultivated Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Zhuhai and other cities, and actively moved to the Central Plains Economic Zone, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River city cluster And other hot areas to expand, access to Shijiazhuang, Qingdao and other high-quality projects, consolidate Xi'an, Yantai, Baotou and other areas have entered, forming a good trend of regional coordinated development. MCC real estate group consolidates the "one main and two wings" business system, which focuses on residential development, supplemented by commercial real estate and property management, strives to build real estate represented by "virtuous system", "splendid system" and "Yijing system", commercial complex brand named by "MCC Shengshi International Plaza" and commercial brand represented by "Heyue system". MCC real estate has also established strategic cooperation with Tsinghua University, Peking University, SOM, KPF, Huawei and other domestic and foreign institutions, becoming a member of the international "golden key" property alliance, realizing the gorgeous transformation of the enterprise brand field. The company combines high-quality resources of the global industry, gives full play to the advantages of industrial integration, actively develops new fields such as culture and tourism real estate, health care real estate, industrial park, theme park, education real estate, and realizes the extension and expansion from "one main and two wings" to "one main and N wings". Based on scientific and technological innovation and humanistic spirit, the company implements the strategy of green scientific and technological real estate, develops more energy-saving, environmental friendly, natural and comfortable humanized products, continuously infuses the elements of high quality and humanistic spirit into every kind of products developed by the company, and focuses on creating a better and comfortable living and working environment for customers. Facing the future, MCC real estate group will continue to adhere to the simple and profound MCC spirit of "no delay in a day, no slack in a day". In the "gilded era" of highly integration of financial capital and industrial capital, it will continue to adhere to the market demand-oriented, innovation driven, vigorously improve quality and efficiency, promote reform and innovation, and fulfill the responsibility of maintaining and increasing the value of state-owned assets and corporate society Responsibility, with the goal of "quality real estate" and "responsible real estate", makes unremitting efforts to realize the leapfrog development of enterprises from real estate developers to urban development operators!

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/b0f859bc8.html 联系电话:010-60958888


7×24h 快讯


近日,宝马全球首家5S店——北京星德宝汽车销售服务有限公司(下称“北京星德宝”)在门口张贴告示,宣布闭店停业。北京星德宝称,受整体经济环境影响,目前面临严重资金压力。集团正在积极寻求资金注入或其他集团托管的方案解决目前面临的困境。宝马品牌授权已于2024年10月20日终止,目前公司暂停新车及售后相关业务。 此前,有星德宝老员工表示门店拖欠了他们两三个月工资没发,另有销售透露公司一个多月前因为卖一台车亏损太多,所以停止销售,但售后还是正常的,维修保养都可以正常预约。多位消费者在社交媒体留言称自己还有北京星德宝的储值金额没用完,求拉维权群。 (21财经)








特斯拉弗里蒙特工厂第 100 万辆 Model Y 下线

10 月 27 日消息,特斯拉宣布其弗里蒙特工厂已生产出第 100 万辆 Model Y,这一里程碑事件发生在特斯拉宣布全球累计生产第 700 万辆汽车仅几天之后。弗里蒙特工厂是特斯拉的首个生产工厂,最初是一座传统汽车制造厂。与专门为生产 Model Y 和 Cybertruck 而建的得州超级工厂不同,弗里蒙特工厂需要更多的策略和创新才能大规模生产 Model Y 和 Model 3,其中包括使用弹性结构来容纳额外的 Model 3 总装线。(IT之家)


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