微米DigiLife品牌怎么样 申请店铺

台湾微米科技股份有限公司于2002年成立,早期以数位相机起家并且奠定稳固的基础,目前我们所提供的产品服务涵盖: 数位相机,家庭DV 摄影机, MP3播放器等产品。 在2003 年,家庭DV摄影机亦占有本土市场的40% ,在竞争激烈的的3C 市场中,占有举足轻重的地位。
公司引以为傲的自创品牌" DigiLife“ 的精神,核心价值在于" Digital Home",公司专注于落实数位影音生活化的观念于每个家庭之中, 让科技产品不再感觉是冰冷而遥不可及的新兴产物,创造生活无限的乐趣与美好的想望。
Taiwan Micron Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2002. It started with digital cameras and laid a solid foundation. At present, our products and services include: digital cameras, home DV cameras, MP3 players and other products. In 2003, home DV cameras also accounted for 40% of the local market, playing an important role in the competitive 3C market. The company is proud of its own brand "DiGiLife", whose core value is "DIGITALHOME". The company focuses on the implementation of the concept of digital audio-visual life in every family, making the technology products no longer feel cold and unreachable new products, and creating infinite fun and beautiful expectations of life. Taiwan Micron Technology Co., Ltd. has a strong competitive advantage. The company has a solid R & D team, a clear marketing strategy, complete channel service cooperation and improve the global brand market.