锦裕jinyu品牌怎么样 申请店铺

锦裕jinyu是哪个国家的品牌?「锦裕jinyu」是 浙江锦裕针织有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于浙江省绍兴市,由创始人金董在1990年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。



公司产品50%出口到法国、英国、韩国等国家及地区。在国内建立了有序营销网络,产品畅销全国各个省、市、自治区。 “锦裕”品牌受到国内外客商的一致好评。

公司成立12年来,一直坚持 “创新、品牌、质量、诚信”的经营方针。先后通过企业标准化体系认证、通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证、ISO14001环境管理体系认证、瑞士生态纺织环保认证。通过多年的艰苦创业,锦裕已发展成一家集研发设计、生产、销售、服务于一体的大型袜子生产企业,在同行业中规模效应已非常明显。

公司以追求袜品 “时尚、个性、保健”为目标,坚持创新意识,在新产品的开发设计上下足工夫。公司将产品开发部专门设在香港总部,花重金聘请意大利、韩国、日本的设计大师坐镇,设计出的产品吸取了国际上流行元素,并结合东方女性的特点进行量身笃造,使得我们锦裕时尚袜品成为了国内流行趋势的风向标。我们的设计不仅赢得了中国女性的青睐,还征服了不少老外纷纷订购。

今年以来, “锦裕”继成功打入大润发后,又一举进入世纪联华、吉买盛、时代等大型连锁超市, “锦裕”在全国各地已设立加盟店60多家,并和国内200多家袜业代理商建立了长年合作关系。

在突如其来的金融风暴面前, “锦裕”化危为机,开辟了一条有自己特色的差异化路线。成功地将 “锦裕”品牌推向国内市场,锦裕的目标是 “打造中国时尚女袜品牌”,锦裕的企业远景可以预见。

Zhejiang Jinyu Knitting Co., Ltd. is located in Zhuji, Zhejiang, the hometown of Xishi. Founded in 1997, it is a wholly owned enterprise in Hong Kong. The company covers an area of 33000 square meters, a building area of 27000 square meters, more than 600 employees, and 500 sets of imported hosiery equipment. The company has the right of self import and export. Each year, we produce 50 million pairs of cotton socks. We mainly produce more than 500 styles in 8 series, including men's and women's formal socks, women's fashion socks, and health care socks. In particular, women's fashion socks are full of varieties and novel styles in domestic production enterprises. Thus, it is favored and praised by all customers. 50% of our products are exported to France, Britain, South Korea and other countries and regions. We have established an orderly marketing network in China, and our products sell well in all provinces, cities and autonomous regions. "Jinyu" brand is well received by domestic and foreign merchants. Since its establishment 12 years ago, the company has always adhered to the management policy of "innovation, brand, quality and integrity". It has passed the enterprise standardization system certification, ISO9001 quality management system certification, ISO14001 environmental management system certification and Switzerland ecological textile environmental protection certification. Through many years of hard work, Jinyu has developed into a large sock production enterprise integrating R & D, design, production, sales and service, with obvious scale effect in the same industry. The company takes the pursuit of "fashion, personality and health care" as the goal, adheres to the sense of innovation, and makes full efforts in the development and design of new products. The product development department of the company is specially located in the headquarters of Hong Kong. The company has spent a lot of money to hire Italian, Korean and Japanese design masters to sit in the town. The designed products have absorbed the international popular elements, and combined with the characteristics of Oriental women, they have been tailored to make our Jinyu fashion socks become the vane of the domestic popular trend. Our design not only won the favor of Chinese women, but also conquered many foreigners to order. Since this year, "Jinyu" has successfully entered RT mart, Century Lianhua, jimaisheng, times and other large-scale chain supermarkets. Jinyu has set up more than 60 franchise stores around the country, and established long-term cooperative relations with more than 200 domestic socks agents. In the face of the sudden financial storm, "Jinyu" turned the crisis into an opportunity and opened up a differentiated route with its own characteristics. Jinyu has successfully promoted its brand to the domestic market. Jinyu's goal is to "build a Chinese fashion women's socks brand". Jinyu's corporate vision is foreseeable.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/b59e8f0d0.html 联系电话:0575-87380666


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