蓝天驾校品牌怎么样 申请店铺

蓝天驾校是哪个国家的品牌?「蓝天驾校」是 江西蓝天驾驶培训中心有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于江西省南昌市,在2004年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


江西蓝天驾驶培训中心有限公司创建于2004年,是江西省国家一类驾驶员培训机构。经过十几年的科学发展,其鲜明的办学特色和突出的办学 成绩得到了社会各界的广泛关注和赞誉。

江西蓝天驾校现拥有“一校三区”昌东校区、昌北校区和昌南校区(江科驾校),总面积830余亩。现拥有600余 辆桑塔纳、现代、东风大货、中巴车、大客车等各类教学车辆。驾校规模大,训练场地规范,设施齐全、功能完善、科技含量高。学校建有符 合国家标准的机动车驾驶员培训训练场地,训练区各类道路标志、标线、交通信号以及与考试科目相关的各种路形均设置齐全,建有模拟高速公路、隧道、涵洞、湿 滑路、坡道、Z形路、S形路、8字形路等各种标准训练道路等。科学规范的教学、各项高标准的设施,保障了蓝天驾校学员培训质量。学校建有公安部门认可 的全科目现代化驾驶员考试考场,考场设施严格按照公安部颁布的有关驾驶人考试规定要求进行建设,含科目一无纸化理论考场、科目二场地驾驶电子化考场、 科目三实际道路智能化考场和安全文明驾驶常识考场,是江西省南昌市公安车管所直属的机动车驾驶人考试考场。学校还设有南昌车管所蓝天车驾管考试一体化服务 中心,为社会公众提供便民服务,较大限度地方便群众办理补、换驾驶证等业务。

学校管理严格,服务周到,拥有一支经验丰富、技术过硬、纪律严明,经过正规培训,获得了准教资质的教练员队伍。学校狠抓廉 政建设,坚决杜绝“吃、拿、卡、要”。学校注重驾驶员素质教育,弘扬安全教育新理念,树立“蓝天”特色品牌,科学发展,以“为社会培养合格的驾驶人才”为使命,把学校办成全国机动车驾驶员培训行业培训质量好、教学水平优、现代化程度高的驾校。


学校方便学员、服务社会,实行报名、培训、考试、发证一条龙服务,开设了残疾人、聋哑人的学习机动车驾驶的专项培训,为残疾人朋友学车开通绿色通道,提供关爱等一系列的优质服务。学员俱乐部为学员代办驾驶证年检、补证、换证、邮寄驾证等延伸服务。学校30多辆大巴校车贯穿南昌市各条主干 道,分早中晚三个时间段免费接送学员学车。学校还设有空调休息室、免费无线上网、餐厅、超市等相关配套服务设施。蓝天驾校的人性化服务链,为学员提供了便捷的服务,赢得了社会和广大学员的认可。

Jiangxi Lantian Driving Training Center Co., Ltd., founded in 2004, is a national first-class driver training institution in Jiangxi Province. After more than ten years of scientific development, its distinctive characteristics and outstanding achievements have been widely concerned and praised by all walks of life. Jiangxi Lantian driving school now has "one school, three areas" Changdong campus, Changbei campus and Changnan Campus (Jiangke driving school), with a total area of more than 830 mu. At present, it has more than 600 Santana, Hyundai, Dongfeng cargo, China bus, coach and other teaching vehicles. The driving school has a large scale, standardized training ground, complete facilities, perfect functions and high technology content. The school has built a training ground for motor vehicle drivers in line with national standards. Various road signs, markings, traffic signals and various road shapes related to examination subjects are set up in the training area. It has built various standard training roads such as analog expressway, tunnel, culvert, wet slippery road, ramp, Z-shaped Road, S-shaped Road, 8-shaped Road, etc. The scientific and standardized teaching and high standard facilities ensure the training quality of the students in Lantian driving school. The school has a modern driver examination room for all subjects recognized by the public security department. The examination facilities are constructed in strict accordance with the requirements of the relevant driver examination regulations issued by the Ministry of public security, including the paperless theory examination room for subject one, the electronic driving examination room for subject two, the intelligent driving examination room for subject three and the common sense test room for safe and civilized driving. It is the Nanchang public security vehicle management office of Jiangxi Province Directly under the motor vehicle driver examination room. The school also has an integrated service center for examination of blue sky vehicle driving management of Nanchang Vehicle Management Institute, which provides convenient services for the public and helps the public to handle the business of making up and changing driving licenses to a large extent. With strict management and thoughtful service, the school has a team of coaches with rich experience, excellent technology and strict discipline, who have obtained the quasi teaching qualification after formal training. The school pays close attention to the construction of clean government and resolutely puts an end to "eating, taking, cards and demanding". The school pays attention to the quality education of drivers, carries forward the new concept of safety education, sets up the characteristic brand of "blue sky", develops scientifically, takes "training qualified driving talents for the society" as its mission, and makes the school a driving school with good training quality, excellent teaching level and high modernization degree in the national motor vehicle driver training industry. The school sang the "blue sky" brand with high-quality characteristic services. In 2011, it built the VIP center, a special area for personalized driving and training services, to meet the different needs of the growing number of car learners. The VIP area of Lantian driving school provides students with "tailor-made" services. VIP students have flexible learning time and follow-up learning. Excellent coaches have one-to-one friend teaching. They have set up simulation active simulation driver training, theoretical and regulatory training, traffic safety 3D film and television room learning, psychological guidance training, special area rest, entertainment, friends making, reading and newspaper reading, providing multi-functional services such as wireless internet access, tea pavilion, shuttle transportation, etc. The school is convenient for the students and serves the society. It provides one-stop services of registration, training, examination and certification. It has set up special training for the disabled and the deaf to learn how to drive a motor vehicle, opened a green channel for the disabled to learn how to drive, and provided a series of high-quality services such as care. The club provides extended services such as annual inspection, renewal, mailing and so on. More than 30 buses run through the main roads of Nanchang city. They are free to pick up and send students to study in three time periods, morning, middle and evening. The school also has air-conditioned lounge, free wireless Internet, restaurants, supermarkets and other related supporting service facilities. The human-oriented service chain of Lantian driving school provides convenient services for students and wins the recognition of the society and the majority of students.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/b712a2d76.html 联系电话:400-856-0791,400-9158-999


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10月26日,职业社交网站LinkedIn显示,特斯拉Megapack高级总监迈克尔·斯奈德(Michael Snyder)已获晋升为能源与充电副总裁。斯奈德于2014年6月加入特斯拉,于2022年8月担任Megapack高级主管,领导公司的Megapack项目。(界面)



36氪获悉,10月26日,CINNO Research最新报告指出,随着苹果iPhone16系列等高端旗舰机型的发布,第三季度OLED面板的整体需求持续回升。根据CINNO Research统计数据显示,2024年第三季度全球AMOLED智能手机面板出货量约2.2亿片,同比增长25.3%,环比增长0.9%,同比、环比双增长。从柔性面板出货来看,2024年第三季度全球AMOLED智能手机面板中柔性AMOLED智能手机面板占比76.4%,同比下滑2.3个百分点,环比上升4.2个百分点。










