TOMFORD汤姆福特品牌怎么样 申请店铺

同名设计师TOM FORD于2005年创立的品牌,拥有口红、眼影、香水、服装配饰等多系列产品,颇受全球时尚人士的喜爱。
TOM FORD(汤姆·福特)是同名设计师TOM FORD于2005年4月创立的品牌。被誉为时尚金童的TOM FORD因扭转Gucci时装品牌的颓势而获得了国际声誉,他于2005年4月宣布创立TOM FORD品牌。由于他给时尚界带来的重大影响,《女装日报》 (Womens Wear Daily) 形容他“谱写了时尚界大胆创新、不受拘束的成功故事”。
The brand created by TOMFORD, the designer of the same name, has many products in 2005, such as lipstick, eye shadow, perfume, clothing accessories and so on. It is popular among fashion people all over the world. Tom Ford is a brand founded by the designer of the same name Tom Ford in April 2005. Known as the fashion golden boy, tomford gained international reputation for reversing the decline of gucci fashion brand. In April 2005, he announced the establishment of the tomford brand. Because of his great influence on the fashion world, the women's Wear Daily described him as "writing a successful story of bold innovation and unrestrained fashion". Main product lines: Women's wear, men's wear, beauty makeup, glasses, accessories, etc.