Concept2品牌怎么样 申请店铺

1976年,刚结束奥林匹克训练的Dick和Pete Dreissigacker在一辆面包车的开启了制作复合赛桨的事业。自此,Concept2划桨成为全球桨手的选择,并将创新理念延续至今。
In 1976, Dick and Pete reissigacker, who had just finished their Olympic training, started making composite oars in a van. Since then, concept2 has become the choice of the world's paddlers, and continues its innovative concept to this day. In 1981, Dick and Pete designed concept 2 indoor rower, which soon became the best-selling rower in the world. After that, they launched several new products. Now concept2 has become a daily exercise equipment company for Olympic athletes, cardiac rehabilitation patients, home fitness enthusiasts and rowers of all levels. Now, the company's products include oars, indoor rowers and skierg. Despite the growing scale of the company, the company is still committed to providing customers with innovative products and solutions. Concept2 adopts the direct selling mode, minus the intermediate links, so that customers can enjoy the affordable price. Rowing is the reason for the existence of the company. Every rower and paddle produced by the company is derived from the excellent precipitation over 35 years. The company's main goal is to promote and encourage the continuous growth of indoor and outdoor boating.