仙芝竹尖品牌怎么样 申请店铺

仙芝竹尖是哪个国家的品牌?「仙芝竹尖」是 峨眉山仙芝竹尖茶业有限责任公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于四川省乐山市,由创始人王 * 军在2009年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

峨眉山仙芝竹尖茶业有限责任公司位于风景名胜区和世界自然与文化双遗产保护区的四川省峨眉山市。是一家集茶叶栽培种植、生产加工、产品销售、出口外销、生态旅游和科研开发于一体的民营经济实体。公司注册资金10800万元,占地270余亩,总资产达5.4亿元,其中固定资产2.21亿元. 2011年,全年实现销售收入1.94亿元。



















(六)公司始终实行“龙头企业+合作社+基地+社员”的产业化经营模式,按照发展一个产业,繁荣一方经济,致富一方百姓的发展思路,早在2003年就发起成立了峨眉山仙芝竹尖茶叶专业合作社,采取“订单收购+二次返利”的利益连接模式建立茶叶基地,把茶农带入大市场。合作社按公司建立的仙芝竹尖标准化体系组织生产,公司采用四统一的管理模式,即“统一进行技术培训,统一配售生产所需的无公害农药、肥料等生产肥料,统一进行生产指导,统一为社员提供产销信息” 对合作社进行指导和支持,并以高于市场价5%—10%的保护价订单收购社员鲜叶。公司以合作社为桥梁,共计带动社员6000户人,辐射带动10万多农民,涉及到峨眉山市和夹江县的2镇4乡65个村,同时带动整个乐山市的马边、沐川、峨边等周边区县发展了10多万亩优质无公害茶叶基地。

Emeishan Xianzhi Zhujian Tea Co., Ltd. is located in Emeishan City, Sichuan Province, which is a scenic spot and a world natural and cultural heritage reserve. It is a private economic entity integrating tea cultivation, production and processing, product sales, export sales, eco-tourism and scientific research and development. The registered capital of the company is 108 million yuan, covering an area of more than 270 mu, with a total assets of 540 million yuan, including fixed assets of 221 million yuan. In 2011, the annual sales revenue reached 194 million yuan. (1) Excellent processing equipment. The company has 3 high-quality green tea processing production lines, and 2 high-quality bulk green tea production lines with large output, professional production technology and high technology content, integrating cleaning, automation, standardization and scale. With an annual capacity of 6000 tons of high-quality green tea. The company's tea production is divided into three plant areas, one is the large green tea production plant in the ecological park in Fuxi; the other is the famous tea production plant in the ecological tea tourism park at an altitude of 1500 meters in Heibao mountain; the third is the organic tea production plant at an altitude of 1800 meters in Heibao mountain. (2) The product quality is excellent. The company has passed the HACCP international food safety management system certification, ISO9001:2000 international quality management system certification and QS market access certificate. All green tea produced by the company are pollution-free products. In 2011, 176 tons of high-quality green tea were produced, including 173.28 tons of pollution-free tea and 2.72 tons of organic tea. Our products are divided into green tea, flower tea and black tea. 1. Green tea. The main varieties are bamboo tip, Maofeng, green tea (bulk tea), snow bud. The classification is as follows: the highest level: organic tea (all use xuanjian trademark), all produced from the company's own organic tea base. (organic tea: in the original production process, follow the natural laws and ecological principles, adopt the agricultural technology beneficial to the sustainable development of ecology and environment, do not use synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, growth regulators and other substances, and do not use synthetic food additives in the processing process of tea and related products. )The second level: and level (the same level as the argumentation level of Zhuyeqing, produced in the tea garden 1500 meters away from Heibao mountain.) The third level: elegant level (the elegant level is divided into selected elegant and general elegant, and the quality is higher than that of Zhuyeqing's meditation, which is produced in the cooperative tea garden controlled by the company) the fourth level: super level (the super level is divided into selected super level and general super level, and the quality is higher than that of Zhuyeqing, which is produced in the cooperative tea garden controlled by the company) 2. Flower tea. The main varieties are Xiangxue (formerly known as Piaoxue), huamaofeng and Pengli Huacha. 3. Black tea. The main varieties are Jinjunmei and black tea. The classification is as follows: Supreme red (Jinjunmei grade, black tea produced by the company's own organic tea garden), Heibaoshan tea garden (black tea produced by Heibaoshan tea garden), China Red (produced from Heibaoshan tea garden) and other tea grades refer to bamboo tip. At the same time, all products of the company have passed the quality inspection. [Note: the purpose of developing and producing black tea: to adapt to the market consumption habits and solve the production problems of black tea in summer and autumn. 】(3) The brand is well-known in the market. The company actively creates "Xianzhi Zhujian" brand, and has registered more than 60 anti-counterfeiting trademarks, including "Xianzhi", "Zhujian", "xuanjian", "Heibaoshan", "Xianzhi Zhujian". "Xianzhi" brand and Xianzhi series products are more and more recognized by the market, and are popular with tea lovers. (4) Sales windows are all over the country. The company continues to develop sales windows in the form of unit customization, chain franchise, regional agency, etc., with a total number of 456 market outlets. The company's main marketing mode is: distribution + franchise (the implementation price is the national retail price). The sales network covers all major shopping malls, supermarkets and chain stores in Sichuan, and the products are exported to more than 20 provinces and cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, East China, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shenzhen, etc. It has also reached a tea purchase cooperation agreement with Guojiao 1573, Sichuan and Chongqing Zhongyan, railway labor protection system, hydropower, finance and power system and other large enterprises, and has been designated as a brand management product by Zhang Yiyuan in Beijing. (5) It has a stable and high-quality raw material base. The company's ecological tea tourism park has a humid climate, slightly acidic soil, good drainage, high natural fertility, easy to grow tea trees, and no pollution sources around the base. The company has its own organic tea garden of 2018.2 mu, and its controllable green tea and pollution-free tea base of 72944 Mu have passed the certification of China organic tea and pollution-free agricultural product certification center of the Ministry of agriculture. (6) The company has always carried out the industrialization management mode of "leading enterprise + cooperative + base + member". According to the development idea of developing an industry, prospering one side's economy and enriching one side's people, the company initiated the establishment of Emeishan Xianzhi Zhujian tea professional cooperative as early as 2003, adopting the interest connection mode of "order acquisition + secondary rebate" to establish the tea base and bring the tea farmers along Enter the big market. The cooperative organizes production according to the standardization system of Xianzhi bamboo tip established by the company. The company adopts four unified management modes, namely, "unified technical training, unified distribution of pollution-free pesticides, fertilizers and other production fertilizers required for production, unified production guidance and unified provision of production and marketing information for members", to guide and support the cooperative, and to protect the cooperative by 5% - 10% higher than the market price Price order to buy fresh leaves of members. The company takes the cooperative as a bridge to drive 6000 members and more than 100000 farmers, involving 65 villages in 2 towns and 4 townships of Emeishan City and Jiajiang County, and at the same time, it also drives the Mabian, Muchuan, Ebian and other surrounding districts and counties of the whole Leshan City to develop more than 100000 mu of high-quality pollution-free tea base.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/b7c3fbd82.html 联系电话:0833-5053666


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熟悉此事的人士周五表示,私募股权投资公司Blackstone正就以约35亿美元收购EQT Corp所拥有的州际天然气管道的少数股权进行深入谈判。如果谈判成功,这笔交易将有助于该天然气生产商削减其在今年早些时候收购管道运营商Equitrans Midstream时积累的债务。消息人士称,Blackstone计划通过其信贷和保险部门进行投资,但由于讨论保密,他们要求匿名。消息人士补充说,如果谈判没有破裂,交易可能会在未来几周内签署。消息人士称,作为与Blackstone交易的一部分,EQT将继续运营输油管道。(新浪财经)













