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Aveda 创办人 Horst Rechelbacher 的传奇故事成就品牌的建立。作为提倡整全美学的先锋、环境保育的代表者,Horst将这份使命感颂扬开去,希望每人都可由内至外达到身心平衡,融汇和谐。
Horst 于1941年生于奥地利,其母亲推崇草本医学,而父亲则是一名鞋匠。「我并不是一个好学生,但我矢志希望可以与众不同。」Horst 在14岁时开始当发型学徒,凭藉天赋才华,于17岁便在罗马一着名发廊成为专业发型师,顾客包括国际知名演员苏菲亚‧罗兰 (Sophia Loren)。直至20岁时更荣获 European Hairstyling Championship,助他迈向于欧洲及美国的事业高峰。「我彷似感到召唤,像是心中有一团火驱使我不停前进。」
抱着永恆信念,孜孜不倦,于青年时期已成为世界知名的发型师,此时 Horst 在1964年往国际发型表演比赛途中,于美国明尼苏达州 (Minnesota) 的明尼阿波利斯 (Minneapolis) 遇上醉驾车祸。自此造就了 Horst 人生事业的另一转捩点:于明尼阿波利斯落地生根,并与友人创立发廊,让他于二十出头便成为成功创业家。 在六十年代末,Horst 因过度操劳而导致情绪严重倦怠,有着传承自母亲的草本疗效方法,配合瑜伽和冥想训练,而成功痊愈。启迪自1970年的印度心灵治疗之旅,Horst 融汇了阿源斐达 (Ayurveda) 理念于他的生活和生意模式之中,并推崇整全思想:认为个人美学直接联系着整体世界之美,为美容界提出革命性理论。「我们是地球的一份子,代表着生物的全部,可以是泥土,可以是水源,所以天然有机是最切合环境的生活模式。像农夫一样,于居所耕种,自给自足,例如可以自家种的薄荷叶泡茶,对生活时刻抱着感恩和颂扬态度。」
Aveda 的创立源自 Horst 于印度修行的启发。他提倡身、心、灵均得到平衡,只有由内至外的整全和谐才能达到全人之美。Horst 在印度Rishikesh 内的 Sadhana Mandir 静修所遇上了 Shiv Nath Tandon ,并与他联同阿源斐达 (Ayurveda) 的名师学者 Vinod and Kusum Upadhyay,在明尼阿波利斯家中的厨房裡,研製出首支Clove洗发露。他们更是自七十年代早期起便积极参与 Aveda 业务。
有着各人的通力合作,Aveda 于1978年成立,为美容业界提供天然草本护理产品,在个人、顾客、地球,以及社会各个层面上得到裨益。虽然 Horst 已离世,但他的划时代见解永恆长存:从发廊内的肩颈按摩疗程,到 Aveda 整体环境保育的营运原则,都体现出他的深远意识。Horst 更提出了一个重要现念:「我们每一位于每一天都有机会为世界带来好处,即使是在衣食住行上简单、微小的决择,都会连锁反应地影响他人,远超于自身想像。」
Founded in Austria in 1978, it is committed to providing efficient natural herbal care products for the beauty industry. Acquired by Estee Lauder in 1997, it is committed to opening up the global market. Horst rechelbacher, founder of Aveda, is committed to building the brand. As a pioneer and representative of environmental protection, Horst praised this sense of mission and hoped that everyone could achieve physical and mental balance and harmony from inside to outside. Horst was born in 1941 in Austria. His mother was a herbalist and his father was a shoemaker. "I'm not a good student, but I'm determined to be different. "Horst started as a hairdresser at the age of 14. By virtue of his talent, he became a professional hairdresser in a famous hair salon in Rome at the age of 17. His clients include Sophia Loren, an internationally renowned actor. Until he was 20 years old, he won the European hairstyling championship, which helped him to reach the summit of his career in Europe and the United States. "I feel like a call, like a fire in my heart that keeps me going. "With eternal faith and unremitting efforts, Horst has become a world-famous hairdresser in his youth. On his way to the international hairstyle performance competition in 1964, Horst was hit by a drunk car accident in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Since then, another turning point in Horst's life career has been created: he took root in Minneapolis, established a hair salon with friends, and made him a successful entrepreneur in his early twenties. In the late 1960s, Horst suffered from severe emotional burnout due to overwork. He has a herbal therapeutic method inherited from his mother, and successfully recovered with yoga and meditation training. Inspired by the journey of Indian psychotherapy in 1970, Horst integrated the concept of Ayurveda into his life and business model, and praised the whole idea: personal aesthetics is directly related to the beauty of the whole world, which puts forward a revolutionary theory for the beauty industry. "We are a part of the earth, representing all living things. We can be soil or water, so natural organic is the most suitable living mode for the environment. Like farmers, they cultivate in their homes and are self-sufficient. For example, they can make tea with mint leaves, and they are always grateful and praising life. "The creation of Aveda was inspired by Horst's practice in India. He advocated the balance of body, mind and spirit. Only the whole harmony from inside to outside can achieve the beauty of the whole person. Horst met SHIV Nath Tandon at the sadhanamandir retreat in Rishikesh, India, and worked with him to develop the first clove shampoo in his Minneapolis kitchen with vinodand Kusum Upadhyay, a famous teacher and scholar from Ayurveda. They have been actively involved in the Aveda business since the early 1970s. With our cooperation, Aveda was founded in 1978 to provide natural herbal care products for the beauty industry, benefiting individuals, customers, the earth and society at all levels. Although Horst has passed away, his epoch-making views are eternal: from the treatment of shoulder and neck massage in the hair salon to the operation principle of overall environmental protection of Aveda, all reflect his profound consciousness. Horst put forward an important idea: "every day we are in the world, we have the opportunity to bring benefits to the world. Even simple and small choices in food, clothing, housing and transportation will have a chain effect on others, far beyond our own imagination. "