三晋品牌怎么样 申请店铺

三晋是哪个国家的品牌?「三晋」是 山西三晋碳素股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于山西省晋中市,由创始人郭彦生在2008-08-04期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。






30年筚路蓝缕,30年励精图治,30多年以来,三晋碳素以专业的队伍、严谨的管理、超卓的设备,着力打造“三晋”品牌的形象。“三晋”,这颗商海明珠,已放射出了迷人的光彩,我们有理由相信,未来的日子,靠着“三晋人”不息的努力, “三晋碳素”这颗璀璨明珠,将在三晋大地放射出更加绚丽的光芒。

Shanxi Sanjin Carbon Co., Ltd., founded in 1989, is a new joint-stock enterprise specializing in the production of all kinds of carbon products for aluminum. The company is located in Taigu County, the hometown of Shanxi merchants, covering an area of 190000 square meters, with a total assets of 420 million yuan. Now it has a raw material base, three production plants, an annual production capacity of 55000 tons, and 345 employees, including 40 professional and technical personnel, professional production equipment and perfect detection means. It is one of the large-scale and comprehensive manufacturers in the same industry in China. In Taigu, people have the saying of "beautiful village in Yangyi, a really good place". The land here is rich and beautiful, and the folk customs are simple. It is unnecessary to say that the ancient Yangyi is a city. In rimizhuang, the famous place of origin of Hupingzao, Shanxi Sanjin Carbon Co., Ltd., a commercial pearl rising rapidly in recent years, has become the representative of the new generation of Shanxi Merchants in the mind of Gu Ren. With the efforts of Guo's parents and sons, the company has grown from a small workshop with less than 20 employees in the late 1980s to a small and medium-sized enterprise with 345 employees and more than 40 senior technical backbones, with a total assets of 420 million yuan, a production capacity of 55000 tons, professional production equipment and perfect detection means. In terms of scale, the enterprise has become a large-scale and full range of modern professional carbon production base in the same industry in China. Product quality is the lifeblood of enterprise survival. As a production enterprise, the company has always been adhering to the principle of "science and technology as the guide, high-quality products, satisfactory services, and continuously improving the quality level to meet the requirements of customers". In order to ensure the quality of products, the company invested heavily to establish a product inspection room, established a management system in accordance with the requirements of various elements of CNAL / ac01-2005 accreditation criteria for testing and calibration laboratories, operated in strict accordance with the relevant documents of CNAL / ac01-2005 quality system, worked in accordance with various specifications, managed rigorously and accumulated rich testing experience, and possessed the structure configuration corresponding to the testing scope and task The suitable middle and primary management and technical personnel have laid a solid foundation for the continuous and effective improvement of testing work and provided the quality basis for the company's products. At the same time, the company has implemented the technical training and assessment system for the company's workers, operated in strict accordance with the quality manual, and established the product traceability file system, etc. At present, the company's products have a strong competitiveness in the domestic and international markets, won a good reputation in the aluminum electrolysis industry and the trust of users. It has established stable cooperative relations with more than 40 domestic large-scale aluminum companies, and established stable business relations with foreign aluminum companies. The company has always advocated the business philosophy of "safety, environmental protection and health", actively advocated the development strategy of green environmental protection, and invested a huge amount of money in environmental protection transformation of equipment and plants. In order to achieve cleaner production, the company adopts wet dedusting plus electrostatic tar precipitator to make all emission indexes of the treated flue gas reach the emission standards stipulated by the state, greatly reducing the environmental pollution caused by the enterprise's emission, thus effectively improving the economic and social benefits of the enterprise, and making the enterprise step into the ranks of modern enterprises with environmental type and sustainable development. With the continuous change and renewal of the market, the demand for high-quality graphite cathode carbon block for increasing production and energy saving is increasing and accelerating. In response to this demand, combined with the relevant spirit of the state on low-carbon economy and energy conservation and emission reduction, Sanjin carbon has invested in the new production line of high-quality graphite cathode carbon block in Shuixiu Industrial Park, Taigu County, which is currently one of the few production lines in the world Manufacturer of high quality graphite cathode carbon block. For more than 30 years, Sanjin carbon has strived to build the image of "Sanjin" brand with professional team, rigorous management and excellent equipment. "Sanjin", the Pearl of Commerce, has radiated charming luster. We have reason to believe that in the future, with the continuous efforts of "Sanjin people", the "Sanjin carbon" will radiate more brilliant light in the land of Sanjin.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/bc8ac1770.html 联系电话:03546375193


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