Ronseal朗秀品牌怎么样 申请店铺

英国郎秀是英国及欧洲DIY木器漆知名品牌;总部位于英国谢菲尔德(Sheffield)郎秀(Ronseal)可以追述到1792年诞生的Newton Chambers company到1896年郎秀的母公司RONUK的成立,但是郎秀真正的发展成为英国乃至欧洲门类齐全的DIY涂料生产厂家是在1924年乔治6世及伊丽莎白王后到访3年之后1927年才正式开始生产DIY施工涂料产品 Colron木材染色剂。近200年的历史变迁和技术的发展,到目前为止DIY涂料产品线较为齐全,世界知名水性木器漆以及水性特种漆品牌。
Langxiu is a famous brand of DIY wood paint in England and Europe; Headquartered in Sheffield, England, ronseal can trace back to the birth of Newton chambers company in 1792 and the establishment of ronuk, its parent company in 1896. However, the real development of ronuk into a complete range of DIY coating manufacturers in the UK and Europe started to produce DIY construction coating products in 1927, three years after the visit of George 6 and Queen Elizabeth in 1924 Colron wood stain. With the development of history and technology in the past 200 years, DIY coating product line is relatively complete so far, and it is a world-famous brand of waterborne wood paint and waterborne special paint.
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