太湖翠竹品牌怎么样 申请店铺

太湖翠竹是哪个国家的品牌?「太湖翠竹」是 无锡太湖翠竹茶业有限责任公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于江苏省无锡市,由创始人陆凤仪在2001-04-25期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

太湖翠竹,是江苏省无锡市创制的地方名茶,该茶外形扁似竹叶,色泽翠绿油润,内质滋味鲜醇,香气清高持久, 汤色清澈明亮,叶底嫩绿匀整,风格独特,冲泡在杯中,嫩绿的茶芽徐徐伸展,形如竹叶,婷婷玉立,似群山竹林,因而得名。

太湖翠竹主要产地在无锡市八士镇山林茶果场、雪浪镇向阳林场、藕塘镇七一林场、张泾茶林场、茶桥东郊林场和无锡胡埭刘糖茶场。该地区位于斗山地区,相传是倡导 “天人协和,万物共荣”的舜帝躬耕发祥地,也是18世纪清康熙年间 “禁渔禁猎,禁止开山”的古代生态保护地。这里,斗山雄峙,绵亘数里,气候湿润,环境幽静,远离市镇,是江苏省自然生态保护区,是盛产茶叶的好地方,是名茶“太湖翠竹”的发源地,具有生态优势。

太湖翠竹是20世纪80年代后期创作的名茶,起初是手工制作,1994年引进多功能茶机机械加工。随着农业结构的调整,无锡斗山地区的茶叶种植面积2009年达到233.42平方公里。随着 “太湖翠竹”茶叶的产业化发展,斗山地区17家茶场成立了 “锡北镇茶业协会”和“茶叶研究所”,按照 “太湖翠竹”茶叶的质量标准和技术操作规程,规范 “太湖翠竹”茶叶生产和质量监测,使茶叶产量、质量逐年提高。清明前后“太湖翠竹”的市场销售价由原来的每500克600-800元,提升到每500克 1000-1500元,且供不应求,当地茶农的经济收入也迅速提高。到2009年全镇每年产茶300多吨,收益达到5000万元。每亩茶园的收入由原来的1000元增加到7000元左右,并且为当地安置了大批剩余劳力。发展 “斗山太湖翠竹”品牌茶叶,成为斗山地区茶农的致富之路和锡北镇的一大特色产业。2003年开始,当地政府牵头,茶场搭台、群众参与,连续五年举办春季 “无锡斗山太湖翠竹茶叶节”,有力地提升了 “斗山太湖翠竹”茶叶的品牌知名度,远销日本、西欧、东南亚等国家和港澳地区,成为锡山农业产业的代表。

Taihu Lake green bamboo is a famous local tea created in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province. The tea is named for its flat shape like bamboo leaves, green and oily color, fresh and mellow internal flavor, clear and long-lasting fragrance, clear and bright soup color, green and even bottom of leaves, unique style, brewing in a cup, green tea buds slowly spread, shaped like bamboo leaves, Tingting Yuli, like mountains and bamboo forests. The main producing areas of Cuizhu in Taihu Lake are Shanlin tea fruit farm, Xiangyang forest farm, Qiyi forest farm, Zhangjing tea forest farm, Chaqiao East Suburb Forest Farm and Wuxi Hudai Liutang tea farm. This area is located in the Doushan area. It is said to be the birthplace of Emperor Shun's Gonggeng, who advocated "harmony between heaven and man, and the common prosperity of all things". It is also the ancient ecological protection area of "no fishing, no hunting, no mountain opening" during the reign of Kangxi in the 18th century. Here, Doosan stands for miles, with humid climate and quiet environment, far away from towns. It is a natural ecological reserve in Jiangsu Province, a good place for tea production, and the birthplace of the famous tea "Taihu Lake bamboo". It has ecological advantages. Taihu Lake green bamboo is a famous tea created in the late 1980s. It was originally made by hand. In 1994, multi-functional tea machine machining was introduced. With the adjustment of agricultural structure, the tea planting area in Doosan District of Wuxi reached 233.42 square kilometers in 2009. With the industrialization development of "Taihu Cuizhu" tea, 17 tea farms in Doushan area have established "Xibei town tea industry association" and "Tea Research Institute". According to the quality standards and technical operation procedures of "Taihu Cuizhu" tea, the production and quality monitoring of "Taihu Cuizhu" tea have been standardized, so that the output and quality of tea have been improved year by year. Before and after the Qingming Dynasty, the market price of "Taihu Cuizhu" increased from 600-800 yuan per 500g to 1000-1500 yuan per 500g, and the supply was in short supply. The economic income of local tea farmers also increased rapidly. By 2009, the town will produce more than 300 tons of tea annually, with a revenue of 50 million yuan. The income per mu of tea garden increased from 1000 yuan to 7000 yuan, and a large number of surplus labor was resettled for the local area. To develop the brand tea of "Doushan Taihu Cuizhu" has become the way for tea farmers to get rich in Doushan area and a major characteristic industry in Xibei town. Since 2003, under the leadership of the local government, with the support of the teahouse and the participation of the masses, the "Wuxi Doushan Taihu Cuizhu Tea Festival" has been held for five consecutive years, which has greatly improved the brand awareness of "Doushan Taihu Cuizhu" tea, exported to Japan, Western Europe, Southeast Asia and other countries, as well as Hong Kong and Macao, and become the representative of Xishan agricultural industry.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/bd3f34f97.html 联系电话:051083801732


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