SCHRADER喜莱德品牌怎么样 申请店铺

从创立之始,喜莱德品牌就一直以创新为驱动力。 公司的发明之一就是世界闻名的喜莱德气门嘴,今天世界上的每一辆汽车都在使用与它相同的气门嘴。自始于1844年的突破性发明之后,一直在不断强化浓厚文化气息,跟踪创新技术,为公司的客户解决现实世界中的难题。
公司为全球OEM推出轮胎压力监测系统(TPMS),并为汽车售后市场献上其革命性的专利产品 - 可编程传感器。TPMS是一项安全功能,现已成为北美所有汽车的标准配置,并逐渐为欧洲和亚太国家等全球范围所采纳。事实上,全球一半以上的车辆平台均采用了喜莱德直式TPMS技术。 通过监测轮胎气压,胎压监测系统可帮助司机避免严重事故的发生,减少对环境的影响,并且节约成本。
Founded in England in 1844, under the leadership of Sensata, a global leader in the design and production of tire pressure monitoring systems, the innovation, vision and performance of large tire pressure sensor manufacturers are the cornerstone of a great enterprise. As a global leader in the design and manufacture of valve, mechanical and electronic system components and sensing technology, xillaide, with a history of more than 165 years, has consistently launched innovative solutions trusted by customers. Since its inception, the brand has been driven by innovation. One of the company's inventions is the world-famous Hillard valve, which is used in every car in the world today. Since the breakthrough invention in 1844, we have been strengthening the strong cultural atmosphere, tracking the innovative technology, and solving the real world problems for our customers. TPMS is launched for OEMs around the world, and its revolutionary patented product, programmable sensor, is offered to the automotive aftermarket. TPMS is a safety function, which has become the standard configuration of all vehicles in North America and gradually adopted by Europe, Asia Pacific countries and other countries around the world. In fact, more than half of the vehicle platforms in the world use Hillard direct TPMS technology. By monitoring tire pressure, tire pressure monitoring system can help drivers avoid serious accidents, reduce the impact on the environment, and save costs. In addition to working with OEMs in the automotive sector, the company also provides customer-oriented innovation services for various industries and applications. The construction machinery / heavy equipment, aerospace and oil and gas industries all benefit from the company's valve and sensing solutions. Hillard is preparing for the next phase of growth. Through the unswerving pursuit of innovation and quality, Hillard strides forward. Faster than ever. Better than ever.
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