Fitcrew适身族品牌怎么样 申请店铺

fitcrew对于品质的坚持,并 不仅限于器材的运动工学表现,对外观的工艺设计也非常重视,透过工艺设计让器材裹上具有美感的时尚外衣。每次运动所面对的,将不在只是一台仅 有“冰冷”外观的健身器材。 因此fitcrew集团于1993年在美国佛罗里达州成立Reflex Design Inc,拥有多位专业工业设计师,擅长工业设计并延伸到商品的外观。为使设计理念与产品工艺结合,Reflex设计团队每两个月就会飞来台湾,跟在地工程人员讨论健身器材的设计与开发,赋予产品专业又时尚的力与美。
提供轻松且有效的运动方式、 减轻运动的痛苦并防止伤害,是fitcrew一直以来努力的目标。壹旦找对方法用对工具,妳停留在器材上的时间愈久、运动量增加,就会显出成效。 运动,是维持健康的苦口良药,而fitcrew帮妳轻松适应运动带来的不适与痛苦。如果用错方法选错工具,健身器材反而是伤害身体的隐形杀手。今天,你可能因为减肥或健康的压力,必需面对运动这件事,却又不知该如何下手。 就让fitcrew专业带领,助您以轻松且正确的方式实现理想身型 。
Fitcrew's insistence on quality is not limited to the sports engineering performance of the equipment, but also attaches great importance to the process design of the appearance. Through the process design, the equipment is wrapped in a fashionable coat with aesthetic feeling. Each exercise will face more than just a fitness equipment with a "cold" appearance. Therefore, fitcrew group founded reflex Design Inc. in Florida in 1993. It has many professional industrial designers who are good at industrial design and extend to the appearance of commodities. In order to combine the design concept with the product technology, the reflex design team will fly to Taiwan every two months to discuss the design and development of fitness equipment with the engineers in the field, and endow the products with professional and fashionable power and beauty. Fitcrew's goal is to provide a relaxed and effective way of exercise, reduce the pain of exercise and prevent injury, which has been the goal of fitcrew. Once you find the right way to use the right tools, the longer you stay on the equipment and the more exercise you do, the better. Exercise is a good medicine to maintain your health, and fitcrew helps you easily adapt to the discomfort and pain caused by exercise. If you choose the wrong tools in the wrong way, the fitness equipment is the invisible killer that hurts the body. Today, you may have to face exercise because of weight loss or health pressure, but you don't know how to start. Let fitcrew lead you in an easy and correct way.