天天好品牌怎么样 申请店铺

天天好是哪个国家的品牌?「天天好」是 浙江天天好大药房连锁有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于浙江省杭州市,由创始人陈 * 良在2003年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


在2003年非典过后的非常时期,公司本着 时时心系 生命,天天关注健康 的企业宗旨,天天关注健康 的企业宗旨,在杭城莫干山路推出大型平价药品零售超市,并充分利用市场经济规律,向药品行业、药价虚高现象宣战,率先推出360种 零差价 ,此举引发各大药店、医院联合降价,倍受消费者乐意称道,被媒体称为药品零售行业的 航母 。以优质、低价进入市场,打破市场潜规则,努力倡导为民办实事,办好事,并严格按照国家药品经营规范,实现了统一形象、统一配送、统一管理、统一核算的规范化、统一连锁经营管理体制,并在较短时间里创造出较大的经济效益,形成较强的规模优势。



Tiantian Haoda pharmacy, founded in July 2003, is a large-scale drug retail chain enterprise. Its core consists of Zhejiang Tiantian Haoda pharmacy chain Co., Ltd., Beijing Tiantian Haoda pharmacy Co., Ltd., Liaoning Tiantian Haoda pharmacy Co., Ltd. and its headquarter is located in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, with a total investment of 50 million yuan. The company has gathered a large number of elites and retail talents in the pharmaceutical industry More than 1000 workers. In the extraordinary period after SARS in 2003, the company launched a large-scale affordable drug retail supermarket in Moganshan Road, Hangzhou, with the purpose of focusing on life and health every day, and making full use of the laws of market economy to declare war on the phenomenon of drug conduct and high drug prices, and took the lead in launching 360 kinds of zero price differences, which triggered major pharmacies and hospitals The joint price reduction, praised by consumers, is called the aircraft carrier of drug retail industry by the media. To enter the market with high quality and low price, to break the potential rules of the market, to advocate the practical work for the people, to do good things, and in strict accordance with the national drug business norms, to achieve a unified image, unified distribution, unified management, unified accounting standardization, unified chain management system, and in a short time to create greater economic benefits, forming a strong scale advantage. The development of the company has experienced three milestones. On July 26, 2003, the opening of Moganshan store vibrated the whole pharmaceutical industry, setting a record of 530000 single drugstores per day at that time; in April 2004, Wenzhou store realized the strategic development direction of cross regional chain of Tianhao pharmacy; in January 2005, Beijing Tianhao Baizhifang store opened successfully, with a business area of more than 3500 square meters, With more than 7000 varieties of business, tiantianhao's strategic development has been further extended and cross provincial economy has been realized. In October 2005, tiantianhao pharmacy in Liaoning Province grandly appeared. At present, Tiantian Haoda pharmacy has successfully developed markets such as Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Taizhou, Beijing, Hebei, northeast, etc. it has dozens of stores, with a total operating area of more than 50000 square meters and a storage area of 10000 square meters, and has begun to move towards a large market and consolidate the market. In June 2004, tiantianhao pharmacy successfully passed the national GSP quality certification. Moganshan store and Sandun store became designated pharmacies for medical insurance in Zhejiang Province and Hangzhou, and tiantianhao pharmacy in Beijing. In 2003, the sales of Tianhao pharmacy reached more than 80 million yuan. In 2004, it doubled on the basis of the previous year. It is expected that the sales in 2005 will exceed 300 million yuan. In 2005, it will be a brand new year. Tianhao pharmacy will make full use of the advantages of talents, funds, goods sources and other aspects to carry out the strategy of diversified operation and brand development, so as to revitalize the national medicine industry in a good development state and ensure that People's health, so that the people really use cheap medicine, rest assured medicine.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/c49785064.html 联系电话:0571-88072280,88073331


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36氪独家获悉,近日智能驾驶公司“宏景智驾”完成了数亿元 C1 轮融资,本轮融资由衢州智盛产投、Prosperity7、中泰仁和及华登国际联合投资。其中,Prosperity7和华登国际作为老股东再次跟投,前者是沙特阿美旗下的风险投资基金,此前已经三度投资宏景智驾。据了解,本次融资将用于智能驾驶量产落地、以及全球市场拓展。






36氪获悉,市场调研机构CINNO Research报告显示,2025年全球OLED智能机面板出货量达8.7亿片,或将同比增长2.9%。




