影驰GALAXY品牌怎么样 申请店铺

我要投票 影驰GALAXY在显卡行业中的票数:186 更新时间:2025-03-07
影驰GALAXY是哪个国家的品牌?「影驰GALAXY」是 深圳市嘉实威业科技有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于香港,由创始人王总在1994年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。




GALAXY Microsystems Ltd.于 1994 年成立于香港 , 自创始以来,专注于计算机硬件的生产和销售。结合雄厚的经济实力和长远的发展规划,公司将研发中心和制造工厂设于内地,这样的商业模式大大优化和提升了公司的竞争力。

1999 年,影驰科技又携手 NVIDIA 一起拓展电脑显卡市场,且正式成为 NVIDIA 的 AIC 客户。凭借工程研发能力,配合 nVIDIA 绘图技术,相继推出享负盛名的 Geforce 系列产品。经过几年的拼搏,我们在东南亚、美国、欧洲等市场接连告捷,GALAXY Microsystems 奠定了扎实的海外市场基础,同时成为了 nVIDIA 的   Launch Partner   的产品发布伙伴。

作为专业制造厂商,2000 年公司推出基于香港的全球市场战略,此时影驰科技欧洲公司成立,公司位于波兰 Cracow ,地处欧洲中部,这样能够很好的覆盖整个欧洲大陆,包括东部和西部的国家。她同时也是欧洲的销售中心和返修件回收处理中心,这样我们的产品就没有时区的差别,能够得到和本地一样的销售和维修服务,Galaxy 时时刻刻都在您身边为您服务。

继取得海外辉煌战绩后,面对日臻成熟的IT 市场,公司于2003 年初,以缜密的市场调研为基础,部署进入大陆市场。2003 年6月推出以“影驰”命名的Geforce 家族系列产品,给游戏发烧友带来了新的震撼享受。公司主打产品 “ 影驰” 系列,取“ 极速、强劲” 之意,彰显产品卓绝的品质与决胜市场的信念。 2004 年7月1日 ,GALAXY 在德国的销售公司正式成立,成立之初,德国、英国、瑞典、冰岛、丹麦和挪威的市场由位于 Duesseldorf 的销售公司提供服务。在德国, Galaxy 的产品由经销商 Ingram Micro Distribution GmbH经销,该经销商位于 Munich 附近的 Dornach 。。

2004 年 GALAXY 又与瑞士散热器厂  Arctic Cooling  联手推出了倍受瞩目的影驰 GeForce6 系列产品,也使影驰在国内市场上的名气大大攀升。现时旗下几款性价比突出的 Geforce6 系列显卡,都是玩家们点名率较高的型号之一。 2005 年公司推出  个性玩家 影驰显卡  的品牌理念,同时凭借雄厚的研发实力隆重推出“影驰玩家系列”产品,在 同质化 严重的今天做个真正的个性玩家。此系列显卡拥有双 BIOS 设计、蜂鸣器报警设计、核心电压调节设计为玩家提供更安全更便捷地保护,增加各玩家的 DIY 乐趣。

2006年,影驰科技研发团队再接再厉,隆重推出“Masterpiece”系列以及“禅音”系列产品,“Masterpiece”系列即以“像做艺术品 一样做显卡”这样的理念来设计产品,讲究不计成本,只为追求高性能为目标,满足发烧级用户的个性化需求。


今天,GALAXY Microsystems(影驰科技)业已成为行业内优质显示卡的较大制造商之一。

Shenzhen jiashiweiye Technology Co., Ltd., Yingchi galaxy, was founded in Hong Kong in 1994. It is a leading brand in the market share of microcomputers and a well-known manufacturer of high-end high-quality display cards in the industry. Galaxy microsystems Ltd. was founded in Hong Kong in 1994. Since its inception, it focuses on the production and sales of computer hardware. Combined with strong economic strength and long-term development plan, the company has set its R & D center and manufacturing plant in the mainland, which greatly optimizes and improves the competitiveness of the company. In 1999, Yingchi technology joined hands with NVIDIA to expand the computer graphics card market, and officially became an AIC customer of NVIDIA. With the ability of engineering research and development, in combination with NVIDIA drawing technology, geforce series products have been successively launched. After several years of hard work, we have succeeded in Southeast Asia, the United States, Europe and other markets. Galaxy microsystems has laid a solid foundation for overseas markets, and has become the product release partner of NVIDIA's launch partner. As a professional manufacturer, in 2000, the company launched a global market strategy based on Hong Kong. At this time, Yingchi Technology Europe was established. The company is located in Cracow, Poland, and in the middle of Europe, so it can cover the whole European continent, including the eastern and Western countries. She is also the European sales center and repair parts recycling center, so that our products have no time zone difference, and can get the same sales and maintenance services as local products. Galaxy is always at your side to serve you. In the face of the increasingly mature IT market, the company deployed into the mainland market at the beginning of 2003 on the basis of careful market research. In June 2003, geforce family products named after "Yingchi" were launched, bringing new shock and enjoyment to game enthusiasts. The company's main product "Yingchi" series, taking the meaning of "fast and strong", demonstrates the outstanding quality of products and the belief of winning the market. On July 1, 2004, galaxy's sales company in Germany was officially established. At the beginning of its establishment, the markets in Germany, Britain, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark and Norway were served by the sales company located in Duesseldorf. In Germany, galaxy's products are distributed by Ingram microdistribution GmbH, a dealer located in dornach, near Munich.. In 2004, Galaxy and the Swiss radiator factory, Arctic cooling, jointly launched the geforce6 series of products, which attracted much attention, and also greatly increased the reputation of Yingchi in the domestic market. At present, several geforce6 Series graphics cards with outstanding performance price ratio are among the models with high roll call rate. In 2005, the company launched the brand concept of personalized player's video card. At the same time, with strong R & D strength, it launched the "video player series" products grandly, so as to be a real personalized player in today's homogenized society. This series of video card has double BIOS design, buzzer alarm design and core voltage regulation design to provide more safe and convenient protection for players and increase the DIY fun of each player. In 2006, the R & D team of Yingchi technology made great efforts to launch the "masterpiece" series and the "Zen sound" series of products. The "masterpiece" series is to design products with the concept of "making a video card like a work of art", which pays attention to the pursuit of high performance regardless of cost, so as to meet the personalized needs of fever level users. In August 2007, Yingchi technology released "Yingchi imperial forest army main board series" in Beijing State Guest Hotel, and officially entered the main board field. Today, Galaxy microsystems has become one of the largest manufacturers of high-quality display cards in the industry.

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