STIHL斯蒂尔品牌怎么样 申请店铺

我要投票 STIHL斯蒂尔在油锯行业中的票数:272 更新时间:2025-02-18
STIHL斯蒂尔是哪个国家的品牌?「STIHL斯蒂尔」是安德烈斯蒂尔动力工具(青岛)有限公司旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于德国,由创始人Bertram Kandziora在1926年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。








Steele, invented by German Andreas Steele in 1926, greatly saved the time and manpower of cutting materials. The power saw produced by this family enterprise has always been the number one power saw brand in the world, and its position is unshakable. Before Steele, logging was one of the hardest jobs. In 1926, Andreas Steele, the old ancestor, established a pre combustion equipment for steam boiler production in the small town of canstadt near Stuttgart. In the same year, the world's first electric saw was invented and started production. In 1959, Andreas was known as the "father of the power saw". The father of the power saw died in 1973. Enough to make him close his eyes, in 1971, his company produced 340000 power saws per year, returning to the throne of the world's first power saw king. Before the death of his ancestor Andreas, his children began to take over. Today, 71 year old Hans Peter and his younger brothers and sisters, ludig, EVA Mel Steele and gercild Seth, are leading the business. And Hans Peter Steele is not only the parent of Steele group today, but also a flag. It was Hans, who always wore rimless glasses and had his hair neatly combed back, who turned his father's business into a global conglomerate. It's not that you should be the king of the industry if your enterprise invents something. For quite a long time, the power saw market leader was not Steele company. Today, the group is not only the power saw market leader, but also the production field has long increased the high-pressure cleaning machine, lawn mower and other garden machinery. Today, the company has more than 7000 employees in more than 30 countries around the world, with sales of 1.5 billion euros in 2001. As a long-term investment of Steele group in China, Andre Steele power tools (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. (Steele Qingdao) was founded in 2005. According to the concept of "order production", Steele Qingdao has been officially put into production since September 2006, mainly producing Steele brand cutting irrigation machines, hedge shears and chain saws. Steele Qingdao products also adhere to Steele's world-famous excellent quality, products exported to Europe and North America and other overseas markets. After more than seven years of continuous development and the baptism of the economic crisis, Steele Qingdao has gradually grown into an excellent enterprise with more than 700 high-quality employees, and its product series are increasing. With the construction of the second phase of the plant, Steele Qingdao is facing a brighter future.

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