SORABOL萨拉伯尔品牌怎么样 申请店铺

SORABOL萨拉伯尔是哪个国家的品牌?「SORABOL萨拉伯尔」是 北京燕莎萨拉伯尔餐厅有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于北京,由创始人赵镛壎在1993-11-12期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。






Salabur, a traditional Korean restaurant, established its first flagship store in Seoul, Republic of Korea in 1981, and now has 13 stores in South Korea; at the same time, salabur has many stores in major cities in China. There are 4 in Beijing, including 9 in Tianjin, Dalian, Xi'an and Hong Kong. Salabur - the morning sun shines first on the sacred land. It is by the meaning of this sentence that "salabur" has been in China for 17 years. Now it has developed into the largest Korean restaurant chain in China. In the past ten years, salabur has been committed to the development and research of unique cuisine, striving to provide authentic Korean delicious food for every customer. On the basis of the original traditional cuisine, a series of special healthy dishes have been launched, and efforts have been made to integrate the traditional taste with the international taste, so that more friends can know, understand and like salabur. Today's "salabur" is based on the following four themes: developing traditional Korean cuisine; providing a full range of colors, flavors and flavors; providing health care cuisine; and creating international Korean cuisine. In order to maintain the first cooking taste, we keep the traditional iron baking tray as the main cooking tool, because only in this way can we ensure that the cooked meat will not lose its original taste. At the same time, in order to let the diners experience the fun of barbecue with their own eyes, there is also a special open file area in the restaurant. The full-time staff uses the selected bamboo charcoal for open fire baking, which not only increases the fun of diners in the meal, but also enables them to taste the unique food. With the continuous development of Beijing food culture in recent years, "salabur" is also constantly emerging. People pay more and more attention to physical health and food civilization, so we put the "fungus" which is very beneficial to human beings into the menu, so as to make the diners match meat and vegetable when they eat. At the same time, salads, seafood dishes and "Korean palace cuisine" with a long history of Korean diet have also been launched. The representative dishes of this cuisine are: Palace pickle, nine fold plate, ginseng chicken soup. Palace cuisine is the first choice of modern healthy food, which is based on nutrition and light taste. In terms of cuisine, we take the principle of maintaining the traditional flavor as the principle, let the guests enjoy Korean palace style service when having dinner as the goal, and take catering to the tastes of people from all over the world as the basis, carefully select and make each dish. Li Xianzai, a 5-star hotel director from South Korea, was specially appointed to guide and manage the restaurant. With perfect decoration, delicious dishes and high-quality service, our restaurant is recognized by people from all walks of life, and becomes the best place for them to have political banquets, business negotiations, entertain guests, family meals and friends and children. Salabur's goal is to provide a good space and atmosphere, and to show the world the close integration of Korean traditional cuisine, modern decoration atmosphere, high-quality service, and long-standing Korean culture. Salabur is also constantly advocating the new, and will continue its traditional advantages, uphold to provide guests with first-class dishes, first-class service, first-class diet concept, welcome the arrival of friends from all walks of life.

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