Rejoice飘柔品牌怎么样 申请店铺

Rejoice飘柔是哪个国家的品牌?柔顺秀发,柔顺生活 飘柔于1989年10月进入中国市场,二十三年来一直保持着在中国洗发水市场的领军地位,成为中国女性生活必不可少的一部分。挑战柔顺极限,不断带给人们升级的柔顺体验——这就是飘柔。 从容






1989年 秋成为中国市场第一个洗发护发二合一品牌

1990年 推出中国市场第一款去头屑二合一洗发水

1989年12月 率先在中国市场推出5毫升轻便小包装

1996年12月 推出具有焗油效果的二合一洗发水

2000年3月 特意为中国消费者设计推出首乌黑发二合一洗发水

2000年8月 针对消费者不同发质的需求,推出轻盈均衡滋润二合一洗发水

2001年5月 推出全新多合一洗发露,包括洗发、护发、去屑且令头发清香怡人

2001年11月 新推出滋润去屑二合一洗发露

2002年4月 在第三届中国商标大赛中,被全国25万消费者和专家一致评选为"最受中国消费者喜爱的外国商标"

2002年9月 所有产品全新升级,新飘柔蕴涵三重滋润配方

2003年4月 推出富含特效人参营养滋润精华的飘柔人参洗发露

2003年9月 推出一分钟焗油精华露

2003年10月 品牌全线升级,成为飘柔精华护理系列

2004年8月 隆重推出全新升级的飘柔精华护理系列

2004年9月 被国内媒体评为"我最喜爱的品牌"

2005年 在广州日报启动的"2005年度华南时尚消费品杰出品牌推介活动",由消费者推介为"华南时尚消费品杰出品牌"

2006年 在中国化妆品行业年度大奖会上获得"中国化妆品行业洗涤类最强势品牌大奖"

2006年 电视广告中的"一梳到底"的演示被中国消费者视为心目中最理想的秀发

2006年4月 全新升级,推出飘柔深层护理系列、飘柔果漾活力系列和飘柔去屑养发系列

2008年 全面升级产品线,推出免洗润发乳、深层水润喷雾和深层滋养发膜系列产品;启用代言人罗志祥和曾恺玹,成为荧幕"最佳情侣"搭档

2008年 获得由都市主妇颁发的"HersAward"

2010年 获得时尚COSMO美容盛典的CosmoAward

2011年 再次获得时尚COSMO美容盛典的"CosmoAward"

2011年 获得"Superbrands"award

2011年3月 全新三合一护理洗发露突破性上市,柔顺、去屑、滋润3重功效,一瓶拥有

2011年7月 推出"绽放"计划,产品全线革新,运用史上最佳配方,包装全新升级,荧幕"真爱"系列广告再推新

2012年9月 护发素、发膜全线配方升级,尖端发膜产品"小菁瓶"上市;启用全新品牌代言人杨幂

2013年4月 创新推出4大白色飘柔系列,富含植物精华,带给消费者清新柔顺体验

2013年12月 飘柔精华护理系列全新升级,配方更滋润,令秀发更柔顺

Soft hair and soft life entered the Chinese market in October 1989. For 23 years, it has been maintaining the leading position in the Chinese shampoo market, becoming an indispensable part of Chinese women's life. Challenge the flexibility limit, and constantly bring people the upgraded flexibility experience - this is Piao rou. Calmly face the pressure, maintain the image of self-confidence and elegance, and show the best self in front of the world - this is the elegant female. As an international hair care brand that entered the Chinese market earlier, Piao Rou has brought many industry firsts, many beautiful surprises: in autumn 1989, it became the first two in one brand of shampoo and hair care in the Chinese market; in 1990, it launched the first two in one shampoo to remove dandruff in the Chinese market; in December 1989, it took the lead in launching 5ml light small package 1 in the Chinese market In December 996, we launched the two in one shampoo with the effect of baking oil. In March 2000, we specially designed and launched Shouwu black hair two in one shampoo for Chinese consumers. In August 2000, we launched the light and balanced moisturizing two in one shampoo for different hair quality needs of consumers. In May 2001, we launched the all in one shampoo, including shampoo, hair care, dandruff removal and making the hair fragrant and pleasant. In November 2001, we launched the new one In April 2002, the third China Trademark competition was awarded the "foreign trademark of China's favorite consumer" by the 250 thousand consumers and experts in the whole year. In September 2002, all products were upgraded to a new level. The new moisturizing formula contained three moisturizing formulas. In April 2003, the introduction of the ginseng ginseng shampoo, which was rich in effective ginseng nutrition and moisturizing essence, was launched in September 2003. One minute of the essence of October 2003, the brand has been upgraded to become the Ru essence nursing series. In August 2004, the brand new upgraded Ru essence nursing series was launched in August 2004. In September 2004, it was named "my favorite brand" by the domestic media. In 2005, the "2005 Southern China fashion consumer outstanding brand promotion campaign" launched by the Guangzhou daily was promoted by consumers as "Southern China fashion consumer goods". The demonstration of "one comb to the end" in 2006, the most powerful brand award in China's cosmetics industry, won in 2006 at the annual cosmetics industry award, was regarded as the most ideal hair by Chinese consumers. In April 2006, the brand was upgraded to a new level, with the launch of the deep care series, the vitality series and the dandruff removing and hair raising Series in 2008 Upgrade the product line, launch the series of products of free shampoo, deep water spray and deep nourishing film. The spokesperson Show Luo and Alice Tzeng became the best lovers of the screen. In 2008, they won the "HersAward" in 2010, and won the fashion COSMO beauty ceremony in 2010. The "CosmoAward" was again won the fashion COSMO beauty ceremony in 2011. Rands "awardmarch 2011" brand new three in one care shampoo has three functions of softness, dandruff removal and moistening. One bottle has the "blooming" plan launched in July 2011. The whole product line has been innovated, the best formula in history has been used, the packaging has been upgraded, and the screen "true love" series has been advertised again in September 2012. The whole formula of hair conditioner and hair film has been upgraded, and the top hair film product "small cyanine bottle" has been launched The new brand spokesperson Yang Mi launched in April 2013 the 4 major white rejoice series, which is rich in plant essence, giving consumers fresh and supple experience. The December 2013 rejoice essence nursing series has a new upgrade, the formula is more moist, and makes the hair more supple.

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