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学校校园环境优美,办学基础设施完备。 学校坐落在湖北省武汉市南部风景秀丽的汤逊湖畔,校园占地千余亩,建筑面积30万平方米。学校二期校园总征地面积为172906平方米。校园环境功能齐备,布局合理,品味高雅。学校打造“宜居校园”,学生公寓已基本实现空调、电话、洗衣机、热水全覆盖。学校已有教学仪器设备总值五千多万元,建有专业实验室70多个,可开设实验项目1850多个,实验开出率95%以上。学校图书馆建筑面积2.68万平方米,馆藏图书120多万册,期刊1600多种,电子图书5200GB,引进中国知网、读秀学术搜索多个数据库。学生固定实习基地70个,学生实习实践情况良好。

学校建有管理学院、文法学院、经济学院、金融学院、外国语学院、电子信息工程学院、机电工程学院、计算机科学与技术学院、音乐学院、传媒学院、艺术设计学院、国际交流学院、职业教育学院、继续教育学院等14个学院, 坚持“结构合理、特色鲜明、优势互补”的专业建设思路,形成了涵盖经济学、法学、艺术学、文学、工学、管理学等6大学科门类,33个本科专业,15个专科专业,生源覆盖全国28个省、市、自治区。学校构建了通识教育、专业基础教育、专业特色教育、教师教育和跨专业通选课程五级课程体系。学校常年聘请校外专家进行教,督导,不断提高教学质量。




Well known private university, founded in 2000, formerly known as Hankou branch of central China Normal University, Hankou college, a multi-disciplinary and comprehensive general undergraduate college approved by the Ministry of education, is a multi-disciplinary and comprehensive general undergraduate college approved by the Ministry of education. Formerly known as Hankou branch of central China Normal University. In 2011, with the approval of the Ministry of education, the University became one of the 17 universities transformed from an independent college to an ordinary undergraduate university. In 2014, the university entered two schools of the same type in the province. It is approved to jointly recruit and train graduate students with central China Normal University and Wuhan University of science and technology. The campus environment is beautiful and the school infrastructure is complete. The school is located in the south of Wuhan City, Hubei Province, by the beautiful Tangshan lake. The campus covers an area of more than one thousand mu, with a construction area of 300000 square meters. The total land acquisition area of phase II campus is 172906 square meters. Campus environment has complete functions, reasonable layout and elegant taste. The school has built a "livable campus", and the student apartments have basically realized the full coverage of air conditioning, telephone, washing machine and hot water. The school has more than 50 million yuan of teaching instruments and equipment, more than 70 professional laboratories, and more than 1850 experimental projects. The experiment rate is more than 95%. The school library has a building area of 26800 square meters, a collection of more than 1.2 million books, more than 1600 journals, and 5200 GB of e-books. It has introduced a number of databases for China's HowNet and readshow academic search. There are 70 fixed practice bases for students, and their practice is in good condition. The school has 14 schools, including school of management, School of Arts and law, School of economics, School of finance, School of foreign languages, School of electronic information engineering, School of mechanical and electrical engineering, School of computer science and technology, School of music, School of media, School of art and design, School of international exchange, School of vocational education, School of continuing education, etc., and adheres to the principle of "reasonable structure, distinctive features and mutual advantages" The idea of "supplement" has formed 6 disciplines including economics, law, art, literature, engineering and management, 33 undergraduate majors and 15 specialty majors, with students from 28 provinces, cities and autonomous regions. The school has constructed five-level curriculum system of general education, professional basic education, professional characteristic education, teacher education and cross professional general courses. The school invites experts outside the school all the year round to teach and supervise and constantly improve the quality of teaching. The school has excellent teachers and noble morality. The school has a full-time faculty with rich teaching experience, high academic level, reasonable title, education background and age structure. At present, there are more than 600 full-time teachers, including 1 academician, more than 70 professors and 190 associate professors. In addition, those with master's and doctor's degrees account for 68% of the full-time teachers, and 5 professors enjoy the special allowance of the State Council. A group of academicians such as Ning Jinsheng, Zhang Yongchuan and Zhang Shourong, famous teachers such as he Yanxiang, as well as famous teachers from China University of science and technology, Wuhan University, Huazhong University of science and technology, Huazhong Normal University and other universities were invited to be distinguished professors of our university. The school has made remarkable achievements in international exchanges and cooperation. The school of international exchange has established "2 + 2", "2 + 3" and other multi-level cooperative undergraduate programs with dozens of foreign universities such as New York University, East Illinois University, George Fox University, Chicago Columbia College, Berlin University of technology, honkoo University, Versailles National Conservatory of music, Birmingham University, etc. The school also has an EU overseas office in France (based in Paris), which provides one-stop service for EU students to study in China. Today, Hankou University adheres to the rule of law, strictly studies, continuously improves the level of scientific and standardized management, strives to improve the quality and efficiency of school running, strives to build a teaching and entrepreneurial university that is excellent in China and satisfactory to the people, and makes its own contribution to the National Higher Education.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/ccc857866.html


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10月26日,职业社交网站LinkedIn显示,特斯拉Megapack高级总监迈克尔·斯奈德(Michael Snyder)已获晋升为能源与充电副总裁。斯奈德于2014年6月加入特斯拉,于2022年8月担任Megapack高级主管,领导公司的Megapack项目。(界面)



36氪获悉,10月26日,CINNO Research最新报告指出,随着苹果iPhone16系列等高端旗舰机型的发布,第三季度OLED面板的整体需求持续回升。根据CINNO Research统计数据显示,2024年第三季度全球AMOLED智能手机面板出货量约2.2亿片,同比增长25.3%,环比增长0.9%,同比、环比双增长。从柔性面板出货来看,2024年第三季度全球AMOLED智能手机面板中柔性AMOLED智能手机面板占比76.4%,同比下滑2.3个百分点,环比上升4.2个百分点。







