久立JiuLi品牌怎么样 申请店铺

久立JiuLi是哪个国家的品牌?「久立JiuLi」是 浙江久立特材科技股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于浙江省湖州市,由创始人周董在1987年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


浙江久立特材科技股份有限公司作为久立集团股份有限公司的控股子公司,创建于1987年,座落在“长三角”中心太湖南岸——浙江省湖州市,是一家专业生产工业用不锈钢及特种合金管材、双金属复合管材、管件的上市公司。【股票代码:002318】。公司建有世界水平的不锈钢、耐蚀合金、钛合 金、高温合金无缝管(热挤压/穿孔+冷轧/冷拔)生产线和FFX成型、JCO成型等焊接管生产线,始终努力为油气、电力、核电、LNG等能源装备及石化、化工、船舶制造等行业装备提供高性能、耐蚀、耐压、耐温的不锈钢管。

公司不断调整、优化产品结构,使产品类别遵循“长特优、高精尖”的战略指导思想进行规划,推动了公司高附加值产品的进一步协调发展。自1996年以来,公司成功开发了工业用中、大口径不锈钢管焊接管、通过了省级新产品鉴定,LNG用中大口径厚壁管,为LNG整个产业链提供优质产品;2008年引进630自动焊接机组,改变了长度12米大口径不锈钢焊接管依赖进口的现状;公司研发的核聚变PF、TF导体铠甲(称为“磁笼”的“人造太阳”核心部件),达到国际水平;核电站蒸汽发生器用800合金 U形传热管实现核电出口关键部件的国产化;公司生产我国自主研发的CAP1400首台核电蒸汽发生器用690合金传热管,标志着公司研制的蒸汽发生器U形传热管正式进入核电市场;与其他企业合作开发的镍基合金油井管(TDJ-G3合金、28合金、825合金等),已广泛应用于国内外油气开采行业。

公司与国内外石油、天然气、石化、化工、煤化工、电力、造船、造纸、机械制造、制药等行业中众多大型企业建立了稳定的合作关系。公司产品应用在国内外几百个大型项目:如赛科90万吨乙烯裂解联合装置、扬巴一体化工程(60万吨乙烯)、福建联合石油化工一体化项目(800万吨炼油、80万吨乙烯)、镇海炼化1000万吨炼油/100万吨乙烯项目、天津石化100万吨乙烯项目、武汉石化80万吨乙烯项目、大庆120万吨乙烯项目、独山子千万吨炼油/百万吨乙烯项目、四川80万吨乙烯项目、北京正负电子对撞机重大改造工程等;为LNG接收站如:大连、唐山、江苏、宁波、福建、珠海、粤东等LNG接收站及 LNG船不锈钢管国产化供货;为煤化工如神华宁煤、大唐多伦等提供产品;产品出口到美国、加拿大、巴西、英国、德国、挪威、意大利、西班牙、南非、中东、东南亚等50多个国家和地区。公司为核电核心部件,包括:蒸汽发生器用U形管、控制棒驱动机构到核聚变ITER项目用PF导体铠甲等大型核电站核心部件,提供一系列安全的产品。


Founded in 1987, Zhejiang Jiuli special material technology Co., Ltd., a listed company under Jiuli group, specializing in the production of industrial stainless steel and special alloy pipes / bimetal composite pipes / pipe fittings, is a holding subsidiary of Jiuli Group Co., Ltd., founded in 1987 and located in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, the South Bank of Taihu Lake, the center of the Yangtze River Delta. It is a professional manufacturer Listed companies of industrial stainless steel and special alloy pipes, bimetal composite pipes and pipe fittings. [Stock Code: 002318]. The company has world-class stainless steel, corrosion-resistant alloy, titanium alloy, high-temperature alloy seamless pipe (hot extrusion / perforation + cold rolling / cold drawing) production lines and FFX forming, JCO forming and other welding pipe production lines, and has always strived to provide high-performance, corrosion-resistant, pressure resistant and temperature resistant stainless steel pipes for oil and gas, power, nuclear power, LNG and other energy equipment, petrochemical, chemical industry, shipbuilding and other industries. The company constantly adjusts and optimizes the product structure, so that the product categories follow the strategic guiding ideology of "long, special, excellent and top-notch", which promotes the further coordinated development of the company's high value-added products. Since 1996, the company has successfully developed medium and large-diameter stainless steel pipe welding pipes for industrial use, passed the provincial new product appraisal, and used medium and large-diameter thick wall pipes for LNG, providing high-quality products for the entire LNG industrial chain; in 2008, 630 automatic welding unit was introduced, changing the current situation that the 12 meter long large-diameter stainless steel welding pipe relies on imports; the fusion PF and TF conductor armor developed by the company( The "artificial sun" core component called "magnetic cage" has reached the international level; the steam generator of nuclear power plant uses 800 alloy U-shaped heat transfer tube to realize the localization of key components for nuclear power export; the company produces 690 alloy heat transfer tube for cap1400 first nuclear power steam generator independently researched and developed by China, marking that the U-shaped heat transfer tube of steam generator developed by the company has officially entered the nuclear power market; and The nickel base alloy oil well pipe (tdj-g3 alloy, 28 alloy, 825 alloy, etc.) jointly developed by other enterprises has been widely used in oil and gas production industry at home and abroad. The company has established a stable cooperative relationship with many large enterprises in oil, natural gas, petrochemical, chemical, coal chemical, electric power, shipbuilding, papermaking, machinery manufacturing, pharmaceutical and other industries at home and abroad. The company's products are applied in hundreds of large projects at home and abroad, such as SECCO 900000 ton ethylene cracking complex, Yangba integration project (600000 ton ethylene), Fujian United Petrochemical integration project (8 million ton oil refining, 800000 ton ethylene), Zhenhai Refining and chemical 10 million ton oil refining / 1 million ton ethylene project, Tianjin Petrochemical 1 million ton ethylene project, Wuhan Petrochemical 800000 ton ethylene project, large Qing 1.2 million tons of ethylene project, Dushanzi 10 million tons of oil refining / 1 million tons of ethylene project, Sichuan 800000 tons of ethylene project, Beijing Electron Positron Collider major transformation project, etc.; domestic supply for LNG terminals such as Dalian, Tangshan, Jiangsu, Ningbo, Fujian, Zhuhai, East Guangdong and other LNG ship stainless steel pipe; products for coal chemical industry such as shenhuaning coal, Datang Duolun, etc The products are exported to more than 50 countries and regions including the United States, Canada, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Italy, Spain, South Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, etc. The company provides a series of safety products for nuclear power core components, including U-tube for steam generator, control rod drive mechanism, PF conductor armor for fusion ITER project and other large nuclear power plant core components. Based on the domestic and global perspective, the company will continue to adhere to the enterprise spirit of "hard work, win with quality, based on trust" and the business philosophy of "serving users with mature technology and product quality, contributing to the society, and developing itself". Together, the company will closely cooperate to promote China's modernization, work together to provide safe stainless steel pipes for global industrial equipment.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/cd19c8d7b.html 联系电话:0572-2539999


7×24h 快讯


近日,宝马全球首家5S店——北京星德宝汽车销售服务有限公司(下称“北京星德宝”)在门口张贴告示,宣布闭店停业。北京星德宝称,受整体经济环境影响,目前面临严重资金压力。集团正在积极寻求资金注入或其他集团托管的方案解决目前面临的困境。宝马品牌授权已于2024年10月20日终止,目前公司暂停新车及售后相关业务。 此前,有星德宝老员工表示门店拖欠了他们两三个月工资没发,另有销售透露公司一个多月前因为卖一台车亏损太多,所以停止销售,但售后还是正常的,维修保养都可以正常预约。多位消费者在社交媒体留言称自己还有北京星德宝的储值金额没用完,求拉维权群。 (21财经)








特斯拉弗里蒙特工厂第 100 万辆 Model Y 下线

10 月 27 日消息,特斯拉宣布其弗里蒙特工厂已生产出第 100 万辆 Model Y,这一里程碑事件发生在特斯拉宣布全球累计生产第 700 万辆汽车仅几天之后。弗里蒙特工厂是特斯拉的首个生产工厂,最初是一座传统汽车制造厂。与专门为生产 Model Y 和 Cybertruck 而建的得州超级工厂不同,弗里蒙特工厂需要更多的策略和创新才能大规模生产 Model Y 和 Model 3,其中包括使用弹性结构来容纳额外的 Model 3 总装线。(IT之家)


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