Buccellati布契拉提品牌怎么样 申请店铺


创始于1919年,以纯手工制作、正宗的织纹雕金工艺、浓郁的历史气息享誉全球,有 金匠王子 的美誉

早在250年前,布契拉提(Buccellati)这个名字就活跃在米兰的“金饰街坊”,虽然当时的成就和名气还不可与现在的Gianmaria Buccellati相提并论,但是亚平宁浓厚的文化气息和历史积淀,注定了这个意大利传奇珠宝世家将显赫一时。

Buccellati家开始在欧洲建立声誉,是从Mario Buccellati开始的。1906年,布契拉提家族中才满14岁的马里奥(Mario),就开始了金匠学徒生涯,拜当时米兰负盛名的金匠贝特拉密(Beltrami)为师,学习制作金银艺品的技巧。



Mario Buccellati用意大利精妙的珠宝制作工艺打响了Buccellati的招牌。Gianmaria成功的秘诀是设计。他和父亲一样,推崇文艺复兴时期的艺术——一切创作都源于自然。大自然就是他的灵感源头。花草树木、虫鸟动物都是其常见的创作主题,即使是看来极抽象的设计,也多半脱胎于大自然 Gianmaria还经常参考十八世纪法国艺术家鲁萨里(Rocaille)的创作,并学其精髓,力求让珠宝首饰动起来、活起来,戴在脖子上、手腕上柔软舒适,毫不生硬。1973年,Gianmaria在意大利创办了“意大利宝石学院”,向年轻一辈传播各种详实的宝石知识。1981年,意大利总统颁给 Gianmaria “巨十字武士”(Cavaliere Di Gran Croce)勋章,以表彰他在文化艺术上的贡献。

Buccellati到现在仍然保持着家族企业的经营模式,家族成员帮助Gianmaria Buccellati有条不紊地打理着家族生意,Gianmaria的妻子Rosie是个经营上的好手,三个儿子也正在成为父亲的帮手。大儿子掌管银器部;Andrea,第二个儿子管理着美国和意大利的分公司,并且与父亲一起负责设计和生产;Maria Cristina,排行第三,负责腕表部、市场部和品牌推广。

现在,Buccellati的门店遍布全世界,伦敦、巴黎、威尼斯、东京、洛杉矶、莫斯科、阿斯彭,各个店里陈列的不同珠宝银器展示了各种精良的工艺技巧,体现出THE HOUSE OF BUCCELLATI的工艺。

Founded in 1919, it is famous all over the world for its pure hand-made, authentic weaving and gold carving technology and rich historical atmosphere. It is known as the prince of Goldsmith as early as 250 years ago. The name BUCCELLATI was active in Milan's "gold decoration neighborhood". Although the achievements and fame at that time can not be compared with the current gianmaria BUCCELLATI, the strong cultural atmosphere of Apennine With the accumulation of history, this legendary Italian jewelry family is destined to be famous for a while. The BUCCELLATI family began to build their reputation in Europe, starting with Mario BUCCELLATI. Mario, who was only 14 years old in the bucherati family in 1906, began his apprenticeship as a goldsmith. When he was in Milan, Beltrami, a famous goldsmith, was a teacher to learn the skills of making gold and silver artifacts. Three generations of jewelry follow Italy is a country deeply influenced by the Renaissance in Europe. More than 500 years ago, the cultural trend of thought almost permeated all Italian handicraft production, especially the jewelry industry. Mario has always been obsessed with the cultural heritage of Renaissance Italy. All the skills handed down from the Renaissance have been inherited and developed with his own understanding. By 1919, Mario had opened his own shop in Milan and was based on the site of the past 200 year old Jewelry Institute. With his exquisite craftsmanship and excellent design, he soon became famous in Europe. Soon, his stores were not only all over Italy, but also New York and Palm Beach across the ocean began to accept the Mediterranean jewelry brand. Mario BUCCELLATI used the exquisite Italian jewelry making process to set up BUCCELLATI's signboard. The secret to gianmaria's success is design. Like his father, he admired Renaissance Art - all creation comes from nature. Nature is the source of his inspiration. Flowers, plants, trees, insects, birds and animals are common creative themes. Even the seemingly abstract design is mostly born from nature. Gianmaria often refers to the creation of rocaille, a French artist in the 18th century, and learns its essence to make jewelry move and live. It is soft and comfortable to wear on the neck and wrist without stiffness. In 1973, gianmaria founded the "Italian gemstone Institute" in Italy to spread all kinds of detailed gemstone knowledge to the younger generation. In 1981, the Italian president awarded gianmaria the order of Cavaliere digrancroce for his contribution to culture and art. BUCCELLATI still maintains the business model of the family business until now. The family members help gianmaria BUCCELLATI to manage the family business in an orderly manner. Gianmaria's wife Rosie is a good business player, and her three sons are also helping her father. The first son is in charge of the silver department; Andrea, the second son is in charge of the branches in the United States and Italy, and is responsible for design and production together with her father; Maria Cristina, the third, is in charge of the watch department, marketing department and brand promotion. Now, BUCCELLATI's stores are all over the world, including London, Paris, Venice, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Moscow and aspen. Different jewelry and silverware displayed in each store show various excellent craftsmanship skills, reflecting the craftsmanship of the ehouseofbuccellati.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/d074ea3a0.html


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