佳讯飞鸿品牌怎么样 申请店铺

佳讯飞鸿是哪个国家的品牌?「佳讯飞鸿」是 北京佳讯飞鸿电气股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于北京市,由创始人林董在1995年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。







Founded in 1995, Beijing Jiaxun Feihong Electric Co., Ltd., a famous brand in the electrical industry, a communication equipment and solution provider specializing in the independent research, development, production and sales of new technologies and new products in the field of communication and information, was founded in the beginning of 1995 and listed on A-share in 2011 (Stock Code: 300213). Up to now, the company's total tax payment is more than 400 million yuan, with customers Households in more than 10 countries around the world. In the past 20 years, jiaxufeihong has seized the opportunity of China's reform and opening up and the vigorous development of the communication industry, focused on the field of communication and information, and gradually grown into a leading enterprise in China's intelligent command and dispatching industry. Following the trend of technology development, the company provides customized products and solutions for customers in more than 10 countries around the world to help customers realize intelligent operation and management. Under the wave of industry 4.0, Jiaxun Feihong is steadily developing from a command and dispatching product provider to a comprehensive solution provider of the whole industrial chain of intelligent command and dispatching. It is exploring in-depth in the field of intelligent command and dispatching, integrating information from perception, analysis, data mining and other aspects. Jiaxun Feihong insists on investing more than 10% of its sales revenue in R & D every year, and has obtained 260 patents in total. Accelerate cross-border integration with information technology, communication technology, automatic control and other fields. At present, we have built a product line and security and economic solutions based on Intelligent Command and dispatching, comprehensive monitoring, emergency communication, intelligent disaster prevention, intelligent perception and unmanned system. The products have been successfully applied to many industries such as railway, urban rail, national defense, energy, power, customs, etc. With the development and application of new technologies such as Internet of things, big data, cloud computing and unmanned system, Jiaxun Feihong will help the construction of smart city and contribute its wisdom to the development of cities in the world and China. Jiaxun Feihong has continuously broadened our operation system through equity participation, holding and other forms to form a development strategy of coordinated operation and endogenous plus extension. At present, our holding companies include Beijing Jiaxun Feihong Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Feihong Yunji Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Feihong Yunyi Technology Co., Ltd., Jinan Railway Tianlong high tech Development Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Hangtong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing LiuJie Technology Co., Ltd. our joint-stock companies include Beijing Zhendi Technology Co., Ltd. and jiesilui Technology Co., Ltd (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing Weibiao Zhiyuan Technology Development Co., Ltd., Shenyang general robot technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Shougang Chengyun Robot Technology Co., Ltd. IFLYTEK one belt, one road, the other is to expand our company's operation system and implement our strategic decision to build smart chain of command and dispatch. At the same time, Jia Hong Feihong is actively responding to the development strategy of the "one belt and one road" strategy and speeding up the pace of overseas market development. We believe that whether it is to deal with crises and disasters, maintain safety and order, or provide better quality of life, this is the case. The pursuit of the whole world. The intelligent service of interconnection will create high-quality user experience. Under the guidance of globalization strategy, Jiaxun Feihong hopes to realize intelligent leap with its partners.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/d5d495147.html 联系电话:010-62460088,400-700-1508


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沙特资本市场管理局日前在官网宣布,已批准一只投资中国香港上市股票的ETF。该ETF由阿尔比拉德银行(Bank Albilad)的证券部门阿尔比拉德资本(Albilad Capital)管理,ETF追踪中国香港股票指数,拟于沙特交易所上市。资本市场管理局(CMA)为沙特的资本市场监管机构。(中国基金报)


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