EuropaCorp欧罗巴品牌怎么样 申请店铺
欧罗巴电影公司(EuropaCorp)是法国导演吕克·贝松(Luc Besson)于2000年9月与 Pierre-Ange LePogam 成立之法国制片公司,公司成立宗旨是制作电影长片,并同时进行影片发行工作。欧罗巴成立时资本额为5236000欧元,目前办公室全搬至「电影城邦」(la Cité du cinéma),位在巴黎市北郊塞纳圣德尼省(Seine-Saint-Denis)之圣德尼市(Saint-Denis)。
2009年6月18日,巴黎 - 全球3D技术和产品全生命周期管理(PLM)解决方案的领导达索系统(Dassault Systemes)和由导演吕克∙贝松领军的法国EuropaCorp电影公司今天宣布建立战略伙伴关系,将在工业领域已获得广泛应用的三维体验引进电影和营销领域,为电影行业注入新动力。
Founded by Luc Besson, a well-known French director, devoted to the production of feature films and the field of film distribution. Europa Corp is famous for its film strength comparable to Hollywood. It is a French production company founded by Luc Besson, a French director, and Pierre angel lepogam in September 2000. The purpose of the company is to produce feature films When the film is released. Europa was founded with a capital of 5236000 euros. At present, all its offices have been moved to the "La CIT é ducin é Ma", which is located in Saint Denis, the northern suburb of seine Saint Denis. Famous for producing high-quality action films, it is a European commercial film company comparable to Hollywood. Luc Besson was founded to fight against Hollywood with European film power. His representative works include violent street, hurricane rescue, enterprise soldier, green mustard criminal police, etc. June 18, 2009, Paris - Dassault systems, the leader of global 3D technology and product lifecycle management (PLM) solutions, and europacorp, a French film company led by director Luc Besson, today announced the establishment of a strategic partnership to introduce 3D experience, which has been widely used in the industrial field, into the film and marketing field, and inject new momentum into the film industry.