一品梅品牌怎么样 申请店铺

一品梅是哪个国家的品牌?「一品梅」是 江苏中烟工业有限责任公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于江苏淮安,由创始人曾献兵在1992-12-14期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。





在中国悠久的传统文化中,“梅花”被赋予了独特的人文意识和厚重的文化含量。梅者,花中之君子也。古往今来,文人骚客留下的咏梅诗不计其数,其中更不乏脍炙人口的名篇和佳句:“不要人夸颜色好,只留清气满乾坤 ”的傲然、“疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏”的清丽、“坠落临泥碾做尘,只有香如故”的节操、“墙角数枝梅、凌寒独自开”的无畏……号称“铁骨寒香”的梅花,成为品质高洁、傲然独立的人格的象征物。


Famous brand of cigarette, founded in 1991, yipinmei (Jiangsu Huaiyin cigarette factory), a large-scale tobacco industry group integrating cigarette production, sales and supporting supply of tobacco materials, is located in the hinterland of the North Jiangsu Plain, the historical and cultural name city Huai'an, where the ancient Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal passes through the city. In the past few centuries, Huai'an used to be the transportation hub of "nine provincial thoroughfares" and "South boat and North horse". The situation of economic prosperity at that time was described by "Ziyang spring and clear horse return, the next sailing boat in the south of Qingjiang River". On the North Bank of the ancient canal in the city, there is a small and simple courtyard. At the end of each year and the beginning of each year, the Chinese wintersweet flowers in full bloom in the courtyard will spread a strong fragrance. This small courtyard is where Zhou Enlai, the former Prime Minister of the Republic, lived in his grandmother's house as a child. It is here that Zhou Enlai received a good enlightenment education under the care of his mother, and set up a grand aspiration of "to be ambitious" and "to study for the rise of China". In the past hundred years, the wintersweet tree, which was planted by the premier himself in his childhood, is still blooming year by year, just like the prime minister's lofty demeanor and integrity, and has a long history in the land of great people. Therefore, when Huaiyin cigarette factory decided to specially develop and produce a kind of cigarette in 1991 to express the people's admiration and nostalgia for Premier Zhou, it first established the idea of naming this wax plum tree. At the same time, it was decided that the main design of its outer packaging was this Prunus tree with full flower buds. In China's long-standing traditional culture, "plum blossom" has been given a unique sense of humanity and profound cultural content. Plum is a gentleman among flowers. From ancient times to modern times, there are countless poems about plum blossom left by literati and poets, among which there are many well-known famous articles and verses: "don't boast about good colors, just leave the air full of heaven and earth" arrogance, "thin shadows slant across the water and light, dark fragrance floating on the moon and dusk" beauty, "falling on the mud and grinding the dust, only fragrance like the past" moral integrity, "corner counting plum blossom, Ling Han alone" fearlessness The plum blossom, known as "iron bone and cold fragrance", has become a symbol of high quality, lofty and independent personality. Among the numerous cigarette brands in China, there are more than 20 kinds of "plum" titles, such as "red plum", "Xi Mei", "Hua Mei", "Xi Mei", "La Mei" and "Yi Jian Mei", which shows people's deep love for "plum". Lamei is the best in flowers; premier is the best in the world; its virtue is the best in the world. Hence the name "yipinmei".

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