银联商务品牌怎么样 申请店铺

银联商务是哪个国家的品牌?「银联商务」是 银联商务股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于上海,由创始人田林在2002期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。







UnionPay Business Co., Ltd. is an institution controlled by China UnionPay, which is specialized in the construction of bank card acceptance market and the provision of comprehensive payment services. It was established in December 2002, with its headquarters in Pudong New Area, Shanghai. UnionPay business is one of the first payment institutions to obtain the "payment business license" of the people's Bank of China and one of the 21 key Payment institutions determined by the people's Bank of China. Under the leadership of the people's Bank of China and under the guidance of China UnionPay, UnionPay business adheres to the concept of "serving the society and facilitating the public", adheres to the social responsibility of corporate citizens, is committed to improving the acceptance environment and electronic payment environment of bank cards in China, and wholeheartedly provides high-quality, efficient, safe and standardized comprehensive payment services for issuers, merchants, enterprises and cardholders 。 Since its establishment ten years ago, UnionPay business has grown with the development of payment industry. According to the relevant data of China UnionPay, CCIC, iResearch and Analysys think tank, UnionPay business is in a leading position in the domestic payment market, ranking first in the market share of comprehensive payment in the non-financial payment industry, first in the market share of bank card receipt jointly participated by third-party payment enterprises and banking financial institutions, and Internet payment market share Third place. In the latest "Nielsen report" 2012 global acquirer ranking table, UnionPay business ranks the second in Asia Pacific region and the 21st in the world in the ranking table of total card types of acquirer transactions. Since its establishment ten years ago, UnionPay business has established a service network from Yongxing island in Sansha City, Hainan Province in the south to Heihe in Heilongjiang Province in the north, covering all cities above prefecture level in the country, accelerating the expansion to developed counties, towns and townships and other rural areas, forming a professional and all-round service situation in the country, effectively promoting the construction of the overall acceptance environment of bank cards, and effectively playing the role of bank card payment in the festival The positive effects of reducing social costs, improving payment efficiency, expanding domestic demand and stimulating GDP growth. As of the end of February 2014, UnionPay business has set up institutions in all provincial administrative regions except Taiwan. The market network covers 337 cities above prefecture level in China, with a coverage rate of 100%. It serves 2.825 million special merchants, 3.752 million POS terminals, 19.000 ATMs, 15.5 million self-service terminals, 1.338 million convenience payment terminals, department stores, supermarkets, restaurants and hotels , aviation tourism, finance and taxation, e-commerce logistics, production-oriented enterprises and other industries have become the largest professional service organization for bank card receipt in China. For a long time, the company has always put social responsibility first, attached great importance to business risks while developing the market, and paid great attention to the safety of citizens and enterprise funds; while developing the acceptance environment of municipalities directly under the central government and central cities of provincial capitals, the company actively responded to the call of the state to benefit the people's livelihood and serve the "three rural" issues, participated in the construction of the payment environment for farmers, promoted the development of the business of helping farmers to withdraw funds, and solved the problems Solve the problem of serious insufficient coverage of rural financial products, improve the bank card acceptance environment of secondary cities, counties, towns and townships; practice the responsibility concept of "serving the society and facilitating the public" with practical actions, use POS, ATM, self-service terminals and other electronic payment terminals and channels all over the country, launch the "universal payment" convenient payment brand, and develop payment products based on the people's livelihood and serving the people's wishes Products, to meet the public's demand for convenient payment, and constantly improve the social service function. In 2012, UnionPay business released the first social responsibility report of the payment industry, highlighting the concept of UnionPay business as a leading enterprise in the domestic payment market to actively perform social responsibility. Strength lays the foundation for superiority and dreams ignite hope. Adhering to the business philosophy of "building a comprehensive payment and information service provider", relying on the traditional advantages of bank card acceptance market, facing the future, UnionPay business will strive to provide customers with comprehensive, differentiated and high-quality comprehensive payment services with more abundant service channels, more flexible service means and more professional service technology, and continue to improve bank card acceptance Contribution of market and domestic comprehensive payment environment.

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