派酒店品牌怎么样 申请店铺

派酒店是哪个国家的品牌?派酒店是铂涛集团旗下的全球单体酒店集成平台,是单体酒店困境解决方案,依托世界航级酒店集团背书、逾亿会员平台,输出行业业领 先酒店管理系统、13年专业运营管理经验,以及品牌多维度宣传推广、OTA 资源整

派酒店是铂涛集团旗下的全球单体酒店集成平台,是单体酒店困境解决方案,依托世界航级酒店集团背书、逾亿会员平台,输出行业业领 先酒店管理系统、13年专业运营管理经验,以及品牌多维度宣传推广、OTA 资源整合等优势,解决孤岛式单体酒店品牌影响、缺乏专业运营体系、会员体系等困境,让单体酒店强势逆袭。

同时派酒店,是百变个性化连锁酒店品牌,秉承着圆周率π——永不重复无限可能的基因,以“stay different”的品牌态度,现代、复古、清新 等五大软装主题巧妙植产品设计中,实现百变格,为敢于尝试、乐于尝鲜、追求个性化的年轻消费者提供百变个性化住宿体验。

派酒店在装修上面没有统一的标准,而是在原有的酒店基本框架不变的基础上进行符合其特点的创意软装改造,灵活运用不同的元素,色彩上追求丰富多彩,呈现出时尚、个性、不重样的特点。它倡导的轻标准,是相对于标准化酒店和非标准住宿而言,指的是品质个性。它不同于标准化酒店在装修、风格上百 分 百相同,又不同于非标准住宿既有酒店公寓、民宅单房的参差不齐。 派酒店以品牌和软装标准轻度置入的方式,通过有效整合市场上的单体酒店,过对这些酒店进行品牌VI、软装、舒适度等的轻度改造升级,借助铂涛集团在品牌实力、会员平台、管理经验等方面的优势,迅速提升酒店的开房率和RevPAR,为酒店带来高效的收益,实现轻投入,高回报的目标。这种轻介入的软装改造,既充分发挥单体酒店原有的个性化差异,又为乐于探索和尝试新鲜事物,引领潮流,拒绝枯燥沉闷,同时对住宿环境有着更为个性化需求的目标消费群,提供高品质、有服务保障、个性化的尝鲜体验,让消费者带着好奇心尽情探索每一家派酒店的不一样体验。

Pai hotel is a global single hotel integration platform under the platinum group, which is a single hotel dilemma solution. Relying on the endorsement of the world aviation hotel group and the platform of more than 100 million members, it outputs the industry-leading hotel management system, 13 years of professional operation and management experience, as well as multi-dimensional brand promotion, OTA resource integration and other advantages, so as to solve the brand impact and lack of isolated single hotels Professional operation system, membership system and other difficulties, so that single hotel strong counter attack. At the same time, Pai hotel is a brand of diversified personalized chain hotel. Adhering to the PI (PI) - the gene that never repeats infinite possibilities, with the brand attitude of "staydiferent", five soft clothing themes, such as modern, retro and fresh, are cleverly planted in the product design to realize the diversified style, so as to provide varied personalized accommodation experience for young consumers who dare to try, are willing to taste fresh and pursue personalized 。 There is no uniform standard for the decoration of Pai hotel. Instead, the original basic framework of the hotel is unchanged, and the creative soft clothing transformation is in line with its characteristics. Different elements are flexibly used, and the color is rich and colorful, showing the characteristics of fashion, personality and non emphasis. It advocates light standard, which refers to quality personality compared with standardized hotels and non-standard accommodation. It is different from the standard hotel in terms of decoration and style, but also different from the non-standard hotel apartments and single rooms. Through effective integration of individual hotels in the market, through slight brand VI, soft clothing and comfort upgrading, and with the advantages of brand strength, member platform and management experience of the platinum group, the hotel's room opening rate and RevPAR can be improved rapidly, which will bring efficient benefits to the hotel and realize The goal of light investment and high return. This kind of light intervention soft clothing transformation not only gives full play to the original personalized differences of single hotel, but also provides high-quality, service guarantee and personalized taste experience for the target consumers who are willing to explore and try new things, lead the trend and refuse to be boring and dull. At the same time, it also has more personalized demand for the accommodation environment, so that consumers can explore each school with curiosity Different experiences in the hotel.

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