科迪KEDI品牌怎么样 申请店铺

科迪KEDI是哪个国家的品牌?「科迪KEDI」是 科迪食品集团股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于河南省商丘市,由创始人张清海在1997-11-05期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


科迪创建于1985年,是一家以农副产品深加工为主,基地型、多元化、现代化食品企业集团。公司现有员工 10000余人。自创建以来一直专注于做“三农”文章,提高农业资源的附加值和市场化程度 ,企业迅速发展,产生了显著的企业效益和社会效益,走出了一条“种、养、加结合”和“工农一体化”道路。


公司未来五年发展规划:立足“三农”,专注于做强乳业、做精速冻、做大面业、打造黑龙江绿色食品基地(绿色大米和非转基因大豆)。通过加快奶牛基地建设步伐,着力打造中原奶业航母,规划末达到年生产规模150万吨;充分发挥速冻品牌优势,扩大全国市场份额,规划末达到年速冻食品生产规模60万吨,保障速冻食品全国前三强;充分利用豫东“天然粮仓”的资源优势,加快发展综合大面业,规划末达到专用粉、特色挂面、方便面年生产规模100万吨;充分利用开发黑龙江优质大米和非转基因大豆资源,打造黑龙江绿色食品基地;充分利用天然优质水资源优势,扩大饮用水生产规模,规划末达到天然饮用水年生产规模120万吨;保持良种奶牛繁育及奶牛现代化养殖规模国内出色地位。 规划末使科迪集团发展成为大型基地型、多元化、现代化食品企业集团。



Founded in 1985, Kedi, a well-known brand of frozen food, is a comprehensive food enterprise group focusing on the deep processing of agricultural and sideline products and integrating dairy products / frozen food / flour products / drinking water and other products. It is a base, diversified and modern food enterprise group focusing on the deep processing of agricultural and sideline products. The company has more than 10000 employees. Since its establishment, it has been focusing on "three rural" articles, improving the added value of agricultural resources and the degree of marketization. With the rapid development of enterprises, it has produced remarkable enterprise and social benefits, and has embarked on a road of "combination of planting, breeding, adding" and "integration of industry and agriculture". The company now owns Kedi Dairy Co., Ltd. (listed on Shenzhen stock exchange with stock code of 002770), Kedi quick frozen food Co., Ltd., Kedi noodle Co., Ltd., Henan Kedi big mill Food Co., Ltd., Kedi natural deep spring drinking water Co., Ltd., Henan Kedi Biological Engineering Co., Ltd., Kedi Wantou modern ranch, Kedi convenience chain trade Co., Ltd., Kedi Electric Co., Ltd Subsidiary business Co., Ltd. and other subsidiaries. The main products are dairy products, frozen food, flour products, natural drinking water, Heilongjiang high-quality rice, non transgenic soybean oil and more than 2000 varieties. The company's development plan for the next five years: Based on "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", focusing on strengthening the dairy industry, refining and quick freezing, expanding the noodle industry, and building Heilongjiang green food base (green rice and non GMO soybeans). By accelerating the construction of dairy base, we will strive to build a dairy aircraft carrier in the Central Plains, with an annual production scale of 1.5 million tons by the end of the plan; give full play to the advantages of frozen brands, expand the market share of the whole country, with an annual production scale of 600000 tons by the end of the plan, and ensure the top three frozen foods in the country; make full use of the resource advantages of "natural granary" in Eastern Henan, and accelerate the development of comprehensive large-scale industries, At the end of the plan, the annual production scale of special flour, special noodles and instant noodles will reach 1 million tons; the high-quality rice and non genetically modified soybean resources in Heilongjiang will be fully utilized to build a green food base in Heilongjiang; the advantages of natural high-quality water resources will be fully utilized to expand the production scale of drinking water, and the annual production scale of natural drinking water will reach 1.2 million tons by the end of the plan; the breeding of improved dairy cows and the emergence of dairy cows will be maintained The scale of modern culture is outstanding in China. At the end of the plan, Kedi group will develop into a large-scale, diversified and modern food enterprise group. Over the past 30 years, Kedi group has invested more than 100 million yuan in the development of local economic and social public welfare undertakings, driven more than 300000 surrounding farmers to develop planting, breeding and characteristic agriculture, made local farmers step into the track of specialized and large-scale operation, realized the industrialization and marketization of agricultural production and operation, promoted the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, and produced a huge Social benefits. At present, Kodi people are step by step practicing the long cherished wish of serving the country and the people, and making unremitting efforts to build Kodi into a "century old shop".

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/e41d90489.html 联系电话:13781455159


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OpenAI当地时间9月18日表示,已聘请教育科技公司Coursera前首席营收官莉娅·贝尔斯基(Leah Belsky)担任其首任教育总经理。她将负责促进OpenAI的K-12、高等教育和继续教育领域业务。(界面)






美国证券交易委员会(SEC)主席Gary Gensler表示,太多的券商和基金经理过度使用同类人工智能系统可能会为未来的动荡埋下伏笔。Gensler周三表示,如果市场参与者“都依赖相同的模型、相同的算法、相同的数据”,未来的金融危机可能会发生。(新浪财经)

