远兴品牌怎么样 申请店铺

远兴是哪个国家的品牌?「远兴」是 内蒙古远兴能源股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于内蒙古鄂尔多斯市,由创始人宋为兔在1997-01-23期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。





Located in Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Yuanxing Energy Co., Ltd. is a modern energy chemical enterprise with natural gas chemical industry, coal chemical industry and natural alkali chemical industry as its leading role and new energy chemical industry, fine chemical industry and logistics industry as its development direction. The company was founded on January 23, 1997 and listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on January 31, 1997 with the stock code of "000683". In August 2007, the company changed its name from "Inner Mongolia Yuanxing natural alkali Co., Ltd." to "Inner Mongolia Yuanxing Energy Co., Ltd." and its stock abbreviation was changed to "Yuanxing energy". At present, the company has 44 wholly-owned and joint holding enterprises. By the end of 2016, the total assets had reached 22.2 billion yuan, with nearly 5000 employees. Over the years, the company has firmly grasped the national macroeconomic policy and industrial orientation, focused on "industrial upgrading, transformation and development", adhered to the development idea of both industrial development and capital operation, and strived to develop the evergreen industry that conforms to the national industrial policy, is environmentally friendly, has a long life cycle, has room for progress and reasonable return, and created the chemical industry, energy and coal with distinctive characteristics of circular economy Chemical industry base. The company has a large natural gas to methanol base in China and a large natural alkali industry circular economy demonstration base in China. The main industries are located in Wushenzhao Ecological Industrial Park (natural gas to methanol and its downstream products), nalinhe Chemical Industry Park (coal and coal chemical industry), wantugou (coal production and sales), Xinghe Miaoliang coal circular economy Industrial Park (coal washing and distribution), Tongbai County, Henan Province (natural alkali exploration and development and related derivative production) Products processing and sales). The company is mainly engaged in energy and chemical products such as coal, methanol, natural alkali, baking soda, chemical fertilizer, etc., with an annual output of 5 million tons of coal, 1.35 million tons of methanol, 2.4 million tons of natural alkali chemical products, and 1 million tons of urea. During the 13th Five Year Plan period, guided by the scientific outlook on development and the concept of circular economy, the company will take the centralized development path of standardized park layout, industrial clustering and product chain, and strive to build the circular economy industrial chain of natural gas chemical industry, coal and coal chemical industry, natural alkali chemical industry and fine chemical industry, so as to develop the company into a good growth, outstanding main business, standardized operation and high-quality industrial chain Large energy and chemical enterprises with the ability of sustainable development and outstanding listed enterprises.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/e939ab175.html 联系电话:04778139800


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近日,中国西电、平高电气等多家公司收到国家电网中标公告或中标通知。业内人士表示,在国家加快构建新型电力系统、推进大规模设备更新改造的带动下,电网投资持续加码,2024至2025年有望成为电网投资集中兑现期。从投资结构看,特高压主网将成为未来2年电网投资的主要增长点,产业链公司订单及业绩有望持续兑现。随着“十四五”期间特高压线路及主网建设持续推进,产业链公司新一轮周期业绩逐步兑现。 (上证报)

