天铭T-MAX品牌怎么样 申请店铺

天铭T-MAX是哪个国家的品牌?「天铭T-MAX」是tmax旗舰店旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于澳大利,由创始人张 *在1996年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。




13年对产品的专注,成就10万用户的信赖、已取得行业TS16949高标准质量体系认证、专业的研发团队及改装团队,从产品设计、开发、生产、出厂及售后多方位地保障了 T-MAX商城商品的专业与品质——这也使020运营模式在T-MAX商城的落地显得如此水到渠成,但商城并不满足于电商与改装的两界联姻,独辟蹊径地将O2O运营模式在商城中发挥到极致。通过线上预订、线下体验的方式,积极开展会员的优惠折扣、转拍分享和分享点评等众多精彩社交性互动,让国内消费者不仅亲身感受到改装的乐趣,而且形成微改装良性交互生态圈,进而孕育中国独有的微改装休闲生活文化,使T-MAX商城成为名副其实的中国一家SUV车微改装专家。




Hangzhou Tianming Technology Co., Ltd., as one of the birthplaces of cross-country with harsh environment and adventurous spirit, Australia is the place that many cross-country enthusiasts yearn for, which is also the birthplace of T-Max brand and cross-country spirit. As early as 1996, the founder of T-Max came to Australia full of cross-country passion and dreams. He was deeply impressed by the off-road style of the wilderness. Now T-Max has become a cross-country brand and supplier of cross-country refitting equipment. Its products have been sold to more than 50 countries and regions such as Europe, the United States, Australia, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa for 13 years. It is a recognized winch and cross-country refitting expert in the industry, with a certain industry appeal. Tianming knows that the brand platform is the core competitiveness of the enterprise in the future. In 2012, T-Max adapted to the times to carry out the transformation and upgrading of business model, modified the 020 new business model of the industry and created the T-Max mall, focusing on building the Chinese SUV micro modification industry ecosystem. In the past 13 years, we have focused on products, achieved the trust of 100000 users, obtained the industry TS16949 high standard quality system certification, professional R & D team and refitting team, and ensured the specialty and quality of T-Max mall products from product design, development, production, ex factory and after-sale aspects. This also made the landing of 020 operation mode in T-Max mall seem so natural, but the mall does not Satisfied with the marriage of e-commerce and refitting, o2o operation mode is brought into full play in the mall. Through the way of online booking and offline experience, we actively carry out many wonderful social interactions such as member's preferential discount, transfer to auction sharing and sharing comments, so that domestic consumers can not only feel the fun of refitting, but also form a benign interaction ecosystem of micro refitting, thus nurturing China's unique micro refitting leisure life culture, making T-Max mall a real Chinese Su V car micro modification expert. SUV makes life better, and micro modification adds splendor to it. T-Max mall advocates SUV micro refitting leisure lifestyle, which not only pursues the stimulation of cross-country, but also pays more attention to the improvement of life quality and the synchronization of fashion trend. Micro refitting and cool refitting are the realization of a childhood dream, a group of like-minded friends, the beginning of a new journey, an interpretation of the concept of micro refitting leisure and fashion life, and a spiritual washing. At present, the star product of T-Max mall, Zhishang electric pedal, is immediately popular with SUV owners and consumers once it is launched. The reason is that T-Max mall has unique industry support. T-Max mall has a professional refitting and franchising service team in China - more than 30 service outlets, radiating to Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other major large and medium-sized cities in China. On this basis, T-Max is used for reference 13 years of overseas successful professional market operation experience, under the professional operation of the refitting industry team, through online and offline seamless docking, using social interaction such as member's preferential discounts, transfer auction activities and sharing comments, focusing on creating a positive energy SUV micro refitting cycle consumer experience platform, thus promoting the domestic SUV micro refitting business to be healthy, high-speed and sustainable Development. The company is confident that as a one-stop trading platform for China's SUV micro modification, T-Max mall will become the leader of China's SUV micro modification leisure life culture and the vane of China's SUV micro modification industry.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/ea4675330.html 联系电话:400-855-6001,0571-87191166


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