Java佳沃品牌怎么样 申请店铺

Java佳沃是哪个国家的品牌?「Java佳沃」是 深圳市创新维自行车有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于意大利,由创始人潘 *在1985年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

JAVA(中文名佳沃)源自设计师名字的组合:JACOPO GOSLING(雅科波?高斯林)Andrea.WILIER(安德列亚.威廉)VITTORIO (维托里奥)ALBERTO .BARIN(阿尔伯特?博瑞),JAVA意大利设计团队的努力,同时这个名字也是出于JAVA团队对咖啡的喜爱,所以以Java咖啡来命名。JAVA是印度尼西亚爪哇岛的英文名称。JAVA自行车中的许多车类名称多与咖啡有关。如DECAF(去咖啡因的咖啡),ESPRESSO(浓缩咖啡)以及MOKA(摩卡)等等,同时JAVA的LOGO也正如一杯冒着热气的咖啡。

早在1985年,JAVA意大利设计团队就在Grosseto发酵他们的设计思路,每一部JAVA自行车均源自意大利南部(Mediterranean Sea沿岸),这里气候温和,草木苍翠,是个终年适合玩车的地方,也是出产自行车好手的地方。

JAVA的设计部门一直告诉自己坚持什么去找寻消费者需要地产品。而不是这个市场固有的潮流,那些对于我们而言有点格格不入!灵感源自旅行、餐厅、骑玩、乐聚 、街头时尚和各种对生活的感悟。一旦这种色彩元素印象在脑海中,实际的设计工作就开始了。所以公司主管也无法确认设计师在一个月内的工作是什么,也许就是玩,因为只要在玩车上投入天真才会激发更多可能。也许是一周几款产品的VI搭建,这都基于一种自然开始地状态,但同时我们对于设计仍然有承诺:我们无条件相信这种效率优于其他!车架结构设计、主题、颜色、材料完成后统一交给中国地工作小组去执行……寄希望提供更加完整的整车产品。



Java (Chinese name jiawo) comes from the combination of designer's name: andrea.wilier (Andrea William) Vittorio (Vittorio) alberto.barin (Albert berry), the effort of Java Italian design team. At the same time, this name is also the love of Java team for coffee, so it is named after java coffee. Java is the English name of Java island in Indonesia. Many of the names of Java bicycles are related to coffee. For example, decaf (decaffeinated coffee), espresso (espresso) and Moka (Mocha) and so on. At the same time, Java logo is just like a cup of hot coffee. As early as 1985, the Italian design team of Java fermented their design ideas in Grosseto. Every Java bike comes from the south of Italy (along the Mediterranean Sea). The climate here is mild and the vegetation is verdant. It is a place suitable for playing all year round and a good place for producing bikes. Java's design department has always told itself what to insist on to find the products consumers need. Instead of the inherent trend of this market, those are a bit out of place for us! Inspired by travel, restaurants, rides, fun gatherings, street fashions and a variety of insights into life. Once the color element impression is in mind, the actual design work begins. So the company's director can't confirm what the designer's work is in a month, maybe it's just playing, because as long as you invest in innocence in playing with the car, it will inspire more possibilities. Maybe it's the VI Construction of several products a week, which is based on a natural starting state, but at the same time, we still have a commitment to the design: We unconditionally believe that this efficiency is better than others! After the frame structure design, theme, color and materials are completed, they will be handed over to the working group of China for implementation Hope to provide more complete vehicle products. When Java bicycle products are facing the market, they still tell themselves repeatedly: fashion, quality, good price. Since 2003, we have opened more than 200 products to the Chinese market to meet the needs of customers for different roads and life. For Java, the most important thing is that the series of products make customers "magnetic", which requires us to keep open and get along with customers, making the new production mode easier! For Java (jiawo), the brand itself pursues a process innovation and product innovation. The top three shareholders are all bicycle parts giants, and they still have comparative advantages in product integration resources. Facing the increasingly mature bicycle industry, it is a new force impact for the industry to put forward new innovative ideas of "fashion + quality + good price"!

本文链接: 联系电话:4008-3008-07


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