古方红糖品牌怎么样 申请店铺

古方红糖是哪个国家的品牌?「古方红糖」是 黔西南古方红糖有限责任公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于贵州,由创始人王连升在2009期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。




Ancient brown sugar abides by the ancient motto, produces high-quality brown sugar attentively and inherits the ancient production method, which has been widely concerned by all walks of life and has been unanimously recognized and praised. It has attracted a large number of dealers and agents to join in succession, and has set up several offices in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shandong, Chengdu and Hangzhou, and has achieved strategic cooperation with No.1 shop of domestic famous e-commerce websites and Jingdong, It has attracted many flagship Taobao stores (large-scale B stores and shopping malls) to join the agency, successfully held exhibitions of different scales in many regions of the country, successively accepted the interview of Shandong Radio's green voice life service column "one village, one product" and a number of newspaper media, health programs, women's magazines, CCTV-7 "nongguangtiandi" is a factory photographer of brown sugar During the whole process of art production, the special documentary film of ancient brown sugar was broadcast at 19:00 p.m. on August 10, 2010. The story of Wang Liansheng, general manager, abandoning it and turning to industry was also included in the book "running on the road to entrepreneurship" published by people's post and Telecommunications Publishing House, as an inspirational article to encourage entrepreneurs to find their own opportunities and wealth. Chinese heritage magazine (2011, issue 11) also made an in-depth report on the origin and development of brown sugar, which is called Oriental chocolate. Guizhou Qianxinan Gufang Brown Sugar Co., Ltd. is located in the south of "Colorful Guizhou" - Bajie Town, Xingyi City, Qianxinan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture. Back to the beautiful Wanfeng forest, facing the Wanfeng Lake with vast and clear water, Nanpan River flows quietly, forming a unique subtropical Valley, sandy soil, long sunshine and abundant precipitation, which is very suitable for sugarcane growth. Xingyi's sugarcane planting and brown sugar production history can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty, where many ancient sugarcane varieties still thrived. Until the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the brown sugar produced here was a tribute to the royal family of Beijing, known as "government sugar". In ancient times, it belonged to Yelang country, with vast mountains and abundant natural resources. Buyi, Miao and other ethnic minorities have been living here. The unique geographical location, the closed natural environment and the unique religious culture of the ethnic minorities make the ancient traditional sugar making methods completely preserved here. The niula sugar cart and Zhifeng stove described in Tiangong Kaiwu of Ming Dynasty still exist as living fossil.

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