神拿世家小儿推拿品牌怎么样 申请店铺
神拿世家是目前国内首家专业中医小儿推拿中心,拥有全国最多的专家,汇聚国内众多著名中 医小儿推拿专家,用爱心和专业为成长中的宝宝保驾护航,成为每个家庭难得的福音。神拿世家运用的推拿手法,从体质入手,从根本上调理病症,用于 0—12岁儿童出现的感冒、发烧、咳嗽、腹泻、呕吐、厌食、口疮、夜啼、遗尿、吐奶、便秘、惊风等症状,效果十分显著!神拿世家推拿手法简练,疗效较高, 操作方便,患儿易于接受。神拿世家以”传承中华五千年中医之经典,强健华夏儿女子孙之体魄”的宗旨,竭诚为小儿推拿事业做出贡献,时刻用大爱传递健康。 神拿世家设有小儿推拿妈妈班、职业班课程,教会家长和专业从业人员如何不打针吃药养出健康宝宝,以及提供全国连锁加盟服务;使学员不仅学有所长,并能 得到包括众多知名小儿推拿教授老专家悉心指导。 我们始终秉持“传承中华五千年中医之经典,强健华夏儿女子孙之体魄”。早一天学会并运用小儿推拿,宝宝 早一天受益!
ShenNa aristocratic family is the first professional pediatric massage center in China, with the largest number of experts in the country, bringing together many famous pediatric massage experts in China, using love and professionalism to escort the growing baby, becoming a rare gospel for each family. The massage technique used by ShenNa aristocratic family, starting from the constitution, fundamentally regulates the disease. It is used for the symptoms of cold, fever, cough, diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, aphthous, nocturnal crying, enuresis, vomiting, constipation, convulsion and so on in children aged 0-12. The effect is very significant! ShenNa aristocratic family's massage technique is simple, the curative effect is high, the operation is convenient, the child is easy to accept. ShenNa aristocratic family, with the tenet of "inheriting the Chinese traditional medicine classics of five thousand years and strengthening the physique of Chinese children and women's grandchildren", is dedicated to making contributions to the children's massage career and always passing on health with great love. ShenNa family has children's massage mother class and professional class courses, which teach parents and professional practitioners how to raise healthy babies without injection and medicine, and provide national chain service; students can not only learn well, but also get the guidance of many famous children's massage professors and old experts. We always adhere to the principle of "inheriting the Chinese traditional medicine classics of five thousand years and strengthening the physique of Chinese children and women's grandchildren". Learn and use children's massage as early as one day, and the baby will benefit as early as one day!
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