白溢春品牌怎么样 申请店铺

白溢春是哪个国家的品牌?「白溢春」是 湖北五峰白溢春茶业股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于湖北省宜昌市,由创始人陈 * 才在1993年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

湖北五峰白溢春茶业有限公司,是集茶叶种植、生产、加工、销售于一体的现代化生态农业企业。公司生产加工厂的前身是五峰土家族自治县采花台茶厂,采花台茶厂始建于1993年。公司位于海拔800多米的高山原生态 富锌富硒 茶园核心地带,地处湘鄂西南茶马古道,建筑占地面积2400多平方米,生产加工面积2200多平方米,机械设备50余台套,年加工干茶30多万斤,其中名优红绿茶5万多斤。现有在职员工32人,茶叶专业技师12人,企业年产值可达3000万元以上。

公司于2010年依托采花台茶厂成立了五峰采花台茶叶专业合作社,形成了 公司+基地+专业合作社+农户 的经营模式,辐射公司周边茶叶种植面积达10000多亩,并逐步按照统一的有机茶园管理标准进行科学化培育和标准化生产管理。从而保障公司茶叶生产原料达到 生态无污染、品种优良化、种植规范化、生产标准化 。

湖北五峰白溢春茶业有限公司积极的响应县委县政府提升绿茶、复兴红茶、拓展保健茶的战略决策。主要开发生产了 白溢春 牌五峰绿茶和 红和祥 五峰宜红茶两大系列产品。 白溢春 茶叶以外形细秀匀直显露,色泽翠绿油润,香气高而持久,滋味鲜爽回甘,汤色清澈,叶底嫩绿明亮的特点;公司抢抓红茶市场机遇,充分发挥宜红茶核心产地优势,结合了传统制茶工艺和现代科技,研发生产的 五峰宜红茶 外形紧细圆直,身骨重实,色泽乌润,金毫含量高,香气甜纯,滋味鲜淳,叶底红亮,茶汤并伴有 冷后浑 现象,深受商家的好评和消费者的喜爱。

公司以 品质至上,顾客至上 的经营理念,制订并实施严格的质量技术标准和操作规程,使产品品质得到了有效保障。

Hubei Wufeng baiyichun Tea Co., Ltd. is a modern ecological agricultural enterprise integrating tea planting, production, processing and sales. The predecessor of the company's production and processing plant is the caihuatai tea plant in Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County, which was founded in 1993. The company is located in the core area of the original ecological zinc and selenium rich tea garden in the mountains with an altitude of more than 800 meters. It is located in the ancient tea horse road in the southwest of Hunan and Hubei. The building area is more than 2400 square meters, the production and processing area is more than 2200 square meters, the mechanical equipment is more than 50 sets, and the annual processing capacity of dry tea is more than 300000 Jin, of which the famous and excellent red green tea is more than 50000 Jin. At present, there are 32 employees, 12 tea technicians, and the annual output value of the enterprise can reach more than 30 million yuan. In 2010, the company established the Wufeng caihuatai tea professional cooperative relying on the caihuatai tea factory, forming the business model of "company + base + professional cooperative + farmer", radiating the tea planting area around the company to more than 10000 mu, and gradually carrying out scientific cultivation and standardized production management in accordance with the unified organic tea garden management standard. So as to ensure that the raw materials for tea production of the company can achieve ecological pollution-free, excellent varieties, standardized planting and standardized production. Hubei Wufeng baiyichun Tea Co., Ltd. actively responded to the county Party committee and government's strategic decision to promote green tea, revive black tea and expand health tea. The company mainly develops and produces two series of products: baiyyichun brand Wufeng green tea and Honghe xiangwufeng yiblack tea. Baiyyichun tea has the characteristics of fine appearance, even and straight appearance, green and oily color, high and lasting fragrance, fresh and sweet taste, clear soup color and bright green leaf bottom. The company seizes the opportunity of black tea market, gives full play to the advantages of the core producing area of yiblack tea, combines the traditional tea making technology and modern technology, and the five peaks yiblack tea developed and produced are compact, round and straight in shape, heavy in body and bone, and dark in color It is rich in gold, sweet and pure in aroma, fresh in taste, bright red in leaf base, and cold and muddy in tea soup. It is well received by businesses and loved by consumers. With the management concept of quality first and customer first, the company has formulated and implemented strict quality technical standards and operation procedures, so as to effectively guarantee the product quality.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/ebff3533e.html 联系电话:0717-5764444


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