海尔消费金融品牌怎么样 申请店铺

海尔消费金融是哪个国家的品牌?「海尔消费金融」是 海尔集团公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于山东省青岛市,由创始人周总在2178年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


以“产融结合、惠民利民、创新引导”为核心,海尔消费金融积极创新支持全产业链和销售渠道融合,开创产融结合互联网模式。即传统产业与互联网消费金融在资本、资金、人事等多方面相互融合、同生共长,传统产业通过互联网消费金融实现商业模式升级,互联网消费金融借助传统产业优势实现落地。一方面,依托线上电商平台及互联网第三方支付平台,海尔消费金融可以智造金融O2O闭环,实现“金融进千家万户”。另一方面,结合数亿大数据基础,海尔消费金融可以根据不同人群画像定制不同价格、期限及还款方式的客制化产品,并通过扁平化的组织架构迅速对市场做出反应,从而保持市场竞争力,实现“千家万户用金融”,真正为中国居民创新更美好的家庭生活品质 ,创造新的消费金融体验模式,助推普惠金融。



Haier Consumer Finance Co., Ltd., which is jointly founded by Haier Group, Haier finance, red star Macalline, green city e-commerce and China's large innovative payment enterprise group, is a national consumer finance company after expanding the pilot scope of consumer finance companies in China, and also an industry initiated consumer finance company in China. Its innovative mode of industry finance combination is of great strategic significance to "promote the development of real economy with finance and realize" Inclusive Finance ". Haier consumer finance, which is located in "enjoy life - smart financial service provider", also always adheres to the value proposition of "creating better quality of family life for Chinese residents and creating consumer financial experience mode". Haier consumer finance focuses on providing consumer financial services through seamless online and offline connection and zero time difference. With the core of "integration of industry and finance, benefiting the people and benefiting the people, and innovation guidance", Haier's consumer finance actively supports the integration of the whole industrial chain and sales channels, and creates an Internet mode of integration of industry and finance. That is to say, traditional industries and Internet consumer finance are integrated and grow together in capital, capital, personnel and other aspects. Traditional industries upgrade their business models through Internet consumer finance, and Internet consumer finance is implemented by virtue of the advantages of traditional industries. On the one hand, relying on the online e-commerce platform and the Internet third-party payment platform, Haier consumer finance can intelligently create a financial o2o closed-loop to achieve "financial access to thousands of households". On the other hand, based on hundreds of millions of big data, Haier consumer finance can customize customized products with different prices, terms and repayment methods according to the portraits of different groups of people, and quickly respond to the market through a flat organizational structure, so as to maintain market competitiveness, realize "household finance", truly innovate better quality of family life for Chinese residents, and create Create a new consumer finance experience model to boost Inclusive Finance. Haier consumer finance adheres to the new business concept and the spirit of "from industry and service industry", organically connects consumers, merchants, manufacturers and consumer finance companies to form a closely connected financial service network of industry finance integration. Based on the advantages of channel and industry, Haier consumer finance has successively launched piano installment, as well as more flexible "home decoration loan", "parking space loan", "maker loan" and other consumer installment services. In the future, Haier consumer finance will continue to focus on users' home life, take user data as the cornerstone, further expand the connotation and extension of financial products through the innovative mode of industry finance integration, build a one-stop family financial service ecosystem covering household, home decoration, education, tourism, health and other consumption fields, and provide relaxed and happy new consumption stages for Chinese residents Experience.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/ec5f35dd8.html 联系电话:400-018-7777


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