五洋品牌怎么样 申请店铺

五洋是哪个国家的品牌?「五洋」是 五洋纺机有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于江苏省常州市,由创始人王 * 其在1986年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。







Founded in 1986, Wuyang Textile Machinery Co., Ltd. is a global leader in the production of double needle bed warp knitting machines and a comprehensive enterprise in the production of series of warp knitting machines and warp knitting fully formed garments. It has six entities: Wuyang textile machinery, Wuyang saide, printing and dyeing in the city, Ashley 3D warp knitting clothing, digital factory and global warp knitting technology Co., Ltd. Relying on the platform of "Internet plus intelligent manufacturing", the company has developed the intelligent management system of warp knitting production line in China. It carries out data collection, transmission, diagnosis, maintenance and remote control for every production link of the factory, and produces and operates information management. The deep integration of the five elements of "human", "machine", "material", "method" and "environment" has formed the production mode of manufacturing "intelligent" products by "intelligent" production mode. With the implementation of the "made in China 2025" strategy and the arrival of the industry 4.0 wave, the company has been actively engaged in the transformation and upgrading of the digital and intelligent development direction. In 2012, the company started to plan to build the first digital chemical plant in China's textile machinery industry. According to the requirements of "made in China 2025" and German industry 4.0, the layout is planned, with a total investment of 150 million yuan, a construction area of 35000 square meters, and the introduction of production equipment Including joint robot, AGV car, three-dimensional warehouse and other facilities, with excellent management means, combined with the communication technology under the big data environment, the digital factory has been built, completely changing the traditional single machine production mode. "Intelligent technology, 3D weaving, integrated molding, personalized customization." Aisili 3D warp knitting clothing uses modern cutting-edge technology to deduce fashion aesthetics, subverts the traditional production of clothing, and creates a new mode of intelligent production of fully formed clothing warp knitting. 3D full forming intelligent warp knitting equipment realizes 3D full forming knitting technology which can not be completed by computer circular machine, horizontal machine, hosiery machine and other equipment, meets the urgent need of transformation and upgrading of knitting industry, completely changes the traditional mode of garment production from grey fabric weaving to cutting and sewing, and leads the industry into a new era of garment production from yarn on machine to one-time knitting forming! The Internet era is leading to profound changes in social form and production organization. The company uses the resources of "global warp knitting network" to gather all elements of the global warp knitting industry chain, so as to realize the value interaction and ecological win-win of the whole industry. We have carried out multi-faceted cooperation with "global warp knitting network" in terms of complementary advantages, resource integration, big data, Omni channel integration, etc., effectively helping Wuyang textile machinery to open up a new market and realize the subversion and reconstruction of business model. From stand-alone equipment to overall solutions, from a city to more than 30 countries and regions, the company's business landscape has been expanding rapidly.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/ed0959ce2.html 联系电话:0519-86535838


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OpenAI当地时间9月18日表示,已聘请教育科技公司Coursera前首席营收官莉娅·贝尔斯基(Leah Belsky)担任其首任教育总经理。她将负责促进OpenAI的K-12、高等教育和继续教育领域业务。(界面)






美国证券交易委员会(SEC)主席Gary Gensler表示,太多的券商和基金经理过度使用同类人工智能系统可能会为未来的动荡埋下伏笔。Gensler周三表示,如果市场参与者“都依赖相同的模型、相同的算法、相同的数据”,未来的金融危机可能会发生。(新浪财经)

