爱可声AcoSound品牌怎么样 申请店铺

爱可声AcoSound是哪个国家的品牌?「爱可声AcoSound」是 杭州爱听科技有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于浙江省杭州市,由创始人李 *在2011年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

2011年爱可声来到中国, ACOSOUND TECHNOLOGY(CANADA) INC的专家队伍与来自浙江大学生物医学工程专业的博士及其带领浙江大学专业研发团队共同注资3000万人民币成立了杭州爱听科技有限公司,作为爱可声助听器在中国的生产基地,研发中心及营销服务中心。2015年爱听科技与恺富资本等机构联合收购ACOSOUND TECHNOLOGY(CANADA) INC100%股权,并获得“爱可声”、“AcoSound”、 “Acomate”品牌所有权,杭州爱听科技也成为国内具有自主知识产权及品牌的全数字助听器生产商。目前已拥有全数字助听器专利二十余项,多项助听器算法的软件著作权。


杭州爱听科技有限公司,旗下的爱可声助听器是助听器生产商。推出的红宝石系列隐形助听器在IIC隐形助听器细分市场市场占有率较高;面对欧美市场推出的Acomate系列助听器取得了骄人的销售业绩,并得到了当地客户忠实的拥趸。爱可声助听器当前已经遍布60多个国家,成为了弱听人士的福音。爱可声把对创新、功效及体验的执著追求,融进了“AcoSound,  Acoustically  Better!”的理念当中,强大的科研和技术投入则为爱可声的核心价值提供了大的支持。爱可声通过对创新及品质的不懈追求,为中国乃至世界的弱听人群更好地感受到这个美丽的世界而服务。

In 2011, icone came to China. The expert team of acosoundtechnology (Canada) Inc, the doctor of biomedical engineering from Zhejiang University and the professional R & D team led by Zhejiang University jointly invested 30 million yuan to establish Hangzhou icone Technology Co., Ltd. as the production base, R & D center and marketing service center of icone hearing aids in China. In 2015, Aiton technology and Kaifu capital and other institutions jointly acquired 100% equity of acosoundechnology (Canada) Inc, and obtained the ownership of "Aike sound", "acosound" and "acomate" brands. Hangzhou Aiton technology has also become an all digital hearing aid manufacturer with independent intellectual property rights and brands in China. At present, it has more than 20 patents of all digital hearing aids and software copyrights of several hearing aid algorithms. Aike hearing aid is a hi-tech product created by Aike technology, which combines the technology of hearing aid in acosound industry and the research results of Zhejiang University on the characteristics of Chinese listening and Chinese language. On this basis, it integrates and innovates the hi-tech products for Chinese listening. The brand meaning of Aike hearing aid is that love can be transmitted by voice. The moral is that we hope that through our efforts, we can provide a cost-effective all digital hearing aid for the weak listeners in China, so that they can hear the voice loved by their relatives! At the same time, all the employees of Aike technology also transmit our love to every customer of Aike hearing aid. Hangzhou hearing aid technology Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of hearing aids. The ruby series of invisible hearing aids launched has a high market share in the IIC invisible hearing aids market segment; the acomate series of hearing aids launched in the face of European and American markets has achieved remarkable sales performance and won the loyal support of local customers. At present, echo hearing aids have been used in more than 60 countries and become the gospel of the weak listeners. AGCO's persistent pursuit of innovation, efficacy and experience has been integrated into the concept of "acosound, acoustic better!". Strong scientific research and technology investment provide great support for the core value of AGCO. Through the unremitting pursuit of innovation and quality, echo serves the weak listeners in China and even in the world to better feel the beautiful world.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/f0e7dd644.html 联系电话:4008-622-282,0571-81021867


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