耀客传媒品牌怎么样 申请店铺

耀客传媒是哪个国家的品牌?「耀客传媒」是 上海耀客传媒股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于上海市,由创始人吕超在2012-11-14期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。

上海耀客传媒股份有限公司(Shanghai Youhug Media Co.,Ltd.)是一家具有前瞻性部署、专业化运作和规模化经营的新兴文化创意企业,总部位于上海,业务涉及影视剧创作、制作、演出经纪等多方领域。公司拥有一支年轻而富有创造力的核心团队,开发制作了电视剧《红蔷薇》、《泡沫之夏》、《大宋北斗司》、《大叔与少年》、《鬼吹灯之黄皮子坟》、《幻城》、《女不强大天不容》、《三个奶爸》、《千金女贼》、《离婚律师》、《敢爱》、《兰陵王》、《宝贝》、《心术》、《神话》、《金枝玉叶》等影视作品,未来还将继续推出《无名侦探》、《白发王妃》、《人不彪悍枉少年》等精品剧目,取得了优异的收视成绩及良好的社会反响。




Shanghai Yaoke Media Co., Ltd. is a new cultural and creative enterprise with forward-looking deployment, professional operation and large-scale operation. Its headquarter is located in Shanghai, and its business involves many fields such as film and television production, production, performance brokerage, etc. The company has a young and creative core team, and has developed the TV drama "red rose", "summer of foam", "Song Bei Dou Si", "uncle and teenager", "ghost lantern's yellow skin grave", "illusion city", "female not strong heaven can not allow", "three baby daddy", "daughter of gold thief", "divorce lawyer", "dare to love", "Lan Ling Wang", " Baby, mind skill, myth, golden branches and jade leaves and other film and television works will continue to launch in the future, such as "unknown detective", "princess with white hair" and "people are not brave and waste young people" and other high-quality plays, which have achieved excellent ratings and good social repercussions. Yao guest breaks through the fixed framework of traditional dramas with a determined attitude of innovation and bravery first, and constantly seeks cross-border cooperation and form innovation, so as to make domestic dramas glow with different charm and become the Pathfinder of the film and television industry. At the same time, we try to use such a good media platform and works to convey warmth and belief to the public, and try to influence the social process with a positive and upward value pursuit. Yaoke insists that good works should strive for the combination of art and science. What kind of spirit, atmosphere and pattern TV plays present depends on the cognitive level of creation, which is the embodiment of the significance of cultural industry. Using cognition to push forward the society is also the creative idea that Yaoke has always integrated into his works. Yaoke is fond of saying "a everlasting love with a screenwriter". Treat the writers sincerely, and the writers are willing to cooperate with Yaoke with sincere sincerity. Yaoke has always been focusing on creating an open and shared cooperation platform, bringing all kinds of excellent partners and talents together on this platform. No matter in the fields of script, shooting, investment, marketing cooperation, Yaoke always has an open attitude, and works with you to do a good job in the film and television industry, to get through every link. At present, Yaoke's cooperative TV stations have covered the whole country, actively developed network, new media and derivative business, and actively used Internet thinking and new media technology to improve the quality of works, showing a strong upward trend in the increasingly competitive domestic film and television market, striving to provide fresh, hot and unique film and television works for the audience before the screen, adhering to the principle of "self "Yaoke" with the concept of "from, innovation and change" will surely become a shining main force in the Chinese cultural industry.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/f14c04e64.html 联系电话:02123151266


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