新开河品牌怎么样 申请店铺

新开河是哪个国家的品牌?「新开河」是 康美药业股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于吉林省通化市,由创始人马董在1997年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。







Founded in 1997, Kangmei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (600518) was founded in 1997 and listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2001. It has an early layout of the whole industry of traditional Chinese medicine, with herbal pieces as the core and smart pharmacies as the starting point to build a big health + big platform + big data + big service system. The company adheres to the core values of "caring for the world, loving the boundless" and the business philosophy of "moving the world with love and managing health with heart". Under the guidance of the national strategy of rejuvenating the cause of traditional Chinese medicine, the whole industry of traditional Chinese medicine is laid out earlier, with Chinese herbal pieces as the core and smart pharmacies as the starting point, and the system of "big health + big platform + big data + big service" is built to become the whole industry of traditional Chinese medicine Chain service-oriented "wisdom +" large health industry listed enterprises. Kangmei pharmaceutical industry has basically run through the upstream, midstream and downstream industries of TCM industry chain from the planting and trading of medicinal materials to the production and development and terminal sales. Its business penetrates all key links of the whole industry chain of TCM and effectively integrates the resources of the whole industry chain. The company has successively invested and established more than 140 enterprises covering medicine planting, Chinese medicine trading market, modern logistics center and industrial base. It has established 17 modern production bases of Chinese herbal pieces and medicine, established cooperative relations with more than 2000 medical institutions and 200000 pharmacies, with an annual outpatient volume of more than 250 million person times, invested and managed many hospitals, including Kangmei hospital, Kangmei Meihekou Central Hospital, Kangmei Tongliao hospital, Kangmei Kaiyuan Central Hospital, Kangmei Tongcheng people's Hospital and Kangmei Liuhe central hospital Public hospitals, in more than 100 public hospitals to carry out pharmaceutical logistics extended distribution services. Taking the opportunity of the pilot unit of the informatization medical service platform of the State Administration of traditional Chinese medicine, the company takes the Internet as an in-depth layout in the whole industry chain, with Chinese herbal pieces as the core, smart pharmacy as the starting point, around the "big health + big platform + big data + big service" system, and with the resource advantages of the whole industry chain, actively explores the intelligent manufacturing 4.0 of the traditional Chinese medicine industry, and builds the "smart pharmacy" model earlier Type. The mode of "smart pharmacy" has risen to the industry standard, providing patients with "one-stop" pharmaceutical services. As of the third quarter of 2018, Kangmei smart pharmacy has accumulated 7.1 million prescriptions, served 2.5 million patients, and realized "let more information run more, let the masses run less". Kangmei pharmaceutical's rich medical resources have laid a solid foundation for the company to transform and upgrade the traditional medical and health industry with internet thinking and technology, and to build a mobile health management platform with excellent user experience, covering the whole life cycle and one-stop complete medical service closed-loop.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/f1e75a350.html 联系电话:0663-2917777


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