华众品牌怎么样 申请店铺

华众是哪个国家的品牌?「华众」是 华翔集团股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于浙江省宁波市,由创始人周董在1994年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。



集团推出的中兴皮卡、 SUV 、越野车深受广大消费者的青睐;轿车塑料零部件的生产技术及产品成功替代进口件,先后获得了德国大众 A 级配套资格、美国通用专业供应商资格,成为国内汽车零部件的生产基地之一;生产的特种装备与车辆,方舱,卫星通信、电视天线,系列灯具,电子接插件,速冻水产品,倍受用户好评。

未来几年,华翔集团将以崭新的姿态迎接新的挑战,实现 “从汽车零部件生产到整车制造,从生产经营到资本经营,从国内大企业到跨国大集团” 的三个跨越,把集团公司发展成为以汽车工业为主体,集投资、科技、贸易于一身,具有综合规模优势的现代化股份公司。

By the end of 2012, Huaxiang group had a total assets of 10.2 billion yuan. It has nine controlling subsidiaries and more than 30 joint-stock enterprises, which are distributed in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Shanghai, Beijing, Liaoning, Jilin and other places, two of which are listed on the main board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Hong Kong Stock Exchange respectively. The main products are multi-functional vehicles, special equipment (vehicles), auto parts, electronic products, aquatic food, large and medium-sized precision molds, etc. In 2016, the sales volume was 12.4 billion yuan, and the income tax was 3.858 billion yuan. Huaxiang group always adheres to the enterprise spirit of "doing business, sharing weal and woe", adheres to the goal of "taking customers as the center, exceeding customers' expectations", works hard and actively develops. To carry out capital operation, to attract investment, to promote the listing process, to effectively promote the healthy development of enterprises, and to expand the enterprise group. In terms of production technology, we should strengthen technological transformation, encourage scientific and technological innovation, vigorously develop numerical control technology, optimize product design and production process, improve the level of automation, flexibility and integration of enterprises, implement information construction, and push enterprises to a new stage of industrialization driven by information technology. Ningbo automobile plastic mold technology research and development center and Ningbo Huaxiang automobile research and Design Institute have been established, which has greatly promoted the development of enterprises. ZTE pickups, SUVs and SUVs launched by the group are favored by consumers. The production technology and products of car plastic parts have successfully replaced the imported parts, and successively obtained the German Volkswagen A-level supporting qualification and the American general professional supplier qualification, becoming one of the production bases of domestic auto parts. The special equipment and vehicles, shelter, satellite communication and TV antenna are produced , series lamps, electronic connectors, frozen aquatic products, highly praised by users. In the next few years, Huaxiang group will take a new attitude to meet the new challenges, realize the three leaps of "from auto parts production to vehicle manufacturing, from production and operation to capital management, from domestic large enterprises to transnational large groups", and develop the group into a modern joint-stock company with comprehensive scale advantages, taking the auto industry as the main body, integrating investment, technology and trade Division.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/f2465a64d.html 联系电话:0574-65837888


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马斯克未在收购推特调查中作证 美证交会或实施制裁

美国证券交易委员会当地时间9月20日表示,由于社交媒体平台X(前身为推特)的首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)未能按计划在监管机构对其斥资440亿美元收购推特的调查中作证,该委员会打算对马斯克实施制裁。据悉,美国证券交易委员会于2022年4月开始对马斯克收购推特的行为展开调查,以查明马斯克在收购推特股票和相关金融文件方面是否有违法行为。(财联社)


文生图AI模型公司Black Forest Labs据悉寻求以10亿美元的估值融资1亿美元

据知情人士透露,生成人工智能图像模型初创公司Black Forest Labs财联社9月21日电,正寻求以10亿美元的估值融资1亿美元。一位人士称,Lightspeed可能参与其中。这笔交易尚未敲定,仍可能发生变化。该公司上一轮融资金额为3100万美元。(财联社)







