AmBev安贝夫品牌怎么样 申请店铺

Ambev beer, founded in 1948, comes from Brazil, a world-famous brewer, with an annual output of 5.5 billion liters. Ambev is a subsidiary of Anheuser Bush InBev, a large beer group in South America. On July 1, 1999, ambev group was founded through the merger of two domestic companies, BORANG and Antarctica. Ambev operates in 14 countries in the Americas. Its main brands include Antarctica, BORANG, Bohemia, Shiao, time beer and soft drinks such as guarana Antarctica, soda and sukita. Ambev sells Pepsi Cola products in Brazil and other Latin American countries, including Pepsi Cola, Lipton iced black tea, and produces Gatorade sports drinks in the form of authorized production.